Tag Archives: W Network

Comments and queries for the week of November 4

Who will Jasmine choose on The Bachelorette Canada?

I prefer Kevin, but for Jasmine’s sake I hope she prefers Mikhel so she doesn’t have to spend a lifetime being ground under the heel of that horrid monster-in-law. Not only is she nasty but she seems to have an abnormal amount of control over the rest of the family! —Mica

She is crazy if she picks Kevin. Can’t imagine having that loser guttersnipe of a woman for a mother-in-law. I have a feeling she is going to pick him though. —ArielL

I absolutely love Mikhel but I’m afraid she will pick Kevin! If Mikhel doesn’t win her heart he should be the next Bachelor Canada!! :) —Marilyn M

Mikhel #1 since Day 1! Absolutely NO doubt!! —DeeJade

I can’t believe Jasmine sent Mike home!! He’s sensible to not rush in all gushy … shows he wants to be 100 per cent sure. It is a big decision after all. Hope she gets someone worthwhile after that stunned decision. —M

I am in absolute shock. She picked Kevin over Mike, especially when the family made her super uncomfortable? The dude with the weird voice and talks like a deadbeat jock over sweet, mature, fun Mike. Really??????????????????????????????????? —S. McCrae


Who’s that dude on Murdoch Mysteries?

Was the Shanley character (released murderer) played by the same actor as the older Beaton brother in “The Curse of Beaton Manor” episode? —Steve

Hey Steve, good eye! Both men were indeed played by Jonathan Goad.


Got a question or comment about Canadian TV? Email greg.david@tv-eh.com or via Twitter @tv_eh.


Jasmine picks her final two on The Bachelorette Canada

After weeks on the emotional Bachelorette Canada roller coaster, Jasmine made a big step toward her final choice of bachelor when she made her two-man pick out of the three-man race.

Unfortunately, Mike was too slow and methodical in professing his love for Jasmine, and he departed heartbroken after she awarded Mikhel and Kevin the two roses available. Watching the episode, her decision wasn’t all that surprising, no matter how tough Kevin’s mom, Jill, was in her questioning. And it just proves how much of an emotional connection Jasmine and Kevin have if she chose to keep him rather than run screaming in the other direction.


And though I’m sad Mike and his abs were eliminated from the competition, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s chosen as the next Bachelor Canada. Not only is he good-looking, but his father—someone Mike respects immensely—would probably be behind it. He didn’t mince words when he told his son to loosen up and let fate take control once in awhile.


Mikhel, meanwhile, could have the inside track to Jasmine’s heart. He’s shown incredible emotional growth every week, culminating with a stellar hometown date where he laid his heart out there, professing love for Jasmine and being super-sensitive about it. The kicker—and I’m betting what sold Jasmine on Mikhel—was that motorcycle. It showed he can be dangerous, and we know Jasmine likes a little danger in her life. A fun family dinner with Mikhel’s family was the capper on a perfect date.


Kevin, who has been a contender for Jasmine’s heart since Day 1, continued to win her over by admitting he loved her, talking about his lack of confidence and giving her his last military medal. And though Jill proved to be a tough customer, Jasmine refused to back down and—I thought—stood up to Jill rather well.

Next week is Part 1 of the season finale, followed by the Men Tell All special and Jasmine’s final pick revealed on Nov. 22. Who do you think she’ll choose?

Who will Jasmine choose in the finale?

  • Mikhel (63%, 778 Votes)
  • Kevin (37%, 465 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,243

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Part 1 of The Bachelorette Canada finale airs next Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET on W Network.

Images courtesy of Corus.


Bachelorette Canada preps for hometown visits with tearjerker in Morocco

In the last week before hometown dates, the final five bachelors laid it all on the line for Jasmine as The Bachelorette Canada heads toward the finish line.

Kevin P. didn’t waste any time on his first-ever one-on-one date with Jasmine in Morocco, ironically discussing the rocky relationship he has with his mother after the pair successfully climbed a rock face. After hearing Drew’s patter for six weeks, it was refreshing to listen to Kevin and Jasmine be brutally honest with each other and come to the same conclusion: he wasn’t for her. Where Kevin wants to live a transient lifestyle full of excitement, Jasmine is ready to settle down and I totally respected both of them for talking so openly on primetime television.


Host Noah Cappe got some major screen time in Tuesday’s episode as he met with Jasmine to discover where her head was at prior to the group date with Mike, Mikhel and Benoit. Jasmine had already experienced a stunning one-on-one with Kevin W. that included milking cows, making bread and Kevin looking like Aladdin on steroids and cemented their strong feelings for each other. By the time she was done chatting with Noah, Jasmine had made her decision: she nixed the market group date in favour of meeting with each one on one to ask more questions before the roses were handed out.

Of the three conversations, Benoit’s was a bit stilted. That was, in part, due to Mike showing up but also because, for the first time, Benoit got serious with Jasmine about his feelings. They managed to get some more alone time, and it was then Benoit dropped the funny guy routine and told Jasmine he wasn’t willing to reveal his family to her unless she was really serious about them being a couple. Jasmine decided she didn’t want to jeopardize that and Benoit was sent back to La belle province.

Do you think Jasmine was right to send Benoit home? Who do you think she’ll end up with in the finale? Comment below.

The Bachelorette Canada airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on W Network.

Images courtesy of Corus.


Shocker: The Bachelorette Canada eliminates a contender

And just like that, one of the early favourites to win Jasmine’s heart has been eliminated from the competition. Yup, the man known as Sexual Tongue on Night 1 of The Bachelorette Canada—a.k.a. Thomas—got the short end of the stick at the closing of a dreaded two-on-one date with Mike. Thomas’ only crime was having a gypsy lifestyle full of international modelling gigs and Jasmine couldn’t figure out where she fit with that.

Instead, the rose went to Mike, who offers a more stable life for Jasmine and something she’s craving. I was sad to see Thomas go; not only was he a good-looking dude with a sense of humour, but he had a thought in his head too. But I was happy Mike remained and has a real chance of being around until the end.

Meanwhile, the next Bachelor Canada could very well be Drew. After not receiving a rose at the cocktail party, he went on an expletive-filled rant, calling Jasmine an idiot and vowing the show’s ratings will tank once he’s gone. He did, however, express interest in starring in The Bachelor Canada.

Frankly, the rest of Tuesday’s episode in Marrakesh, Morocco, was a bit of an emotional let-down. Benoit, the frenetic Frenchman, had his first-ever one-on-one date with Jasmine and was given a rose, but that wasn’t a surprise, really. Jasmine has liked him from Day 1 and her only worry going into tonight was whether or not Benoit had any concrete plans for the future. Once he assured her he was in for the long haul, she handed him the coveted flower.

Of course, no episode of The Bachelorette Canada would be complete without Drew acting up and he didn’t disappoint. The V.P. of sales boasted about the attention being on the program would get him and that it will lead to business deals. He also opined he’d like to score some acting gigs. Ug.


A rainy day tea date wth Drew, Kevin W., Mikhel and Kevin P. went well enough and they learned how to do the tall pour. Kevin W. reacted badly to sharing Jasmine with the others and Drew spent a lot of his time with her … talking about himself. When Kevin W. did get some one-on-one time with Jasmine, he admitted she was the only thing worth sticking around for. By the time the tea had gone cold, Jasmine had handed a rose to Mikhel.

The rose ceremony was a flurry activity, with Drew stealing Jasmine away immediately … to talk about himself. Kevin P. used his time wisely, lowering some emotional walls and collecting his first smooch of the season. Kevin W. hates cocktail parties almost as much as group dates and made that known before complaining Mikhel was given a rose instead of him. It was very interesting to see Jasmine put Kevin W. in his place and explain he wasn’t any more special than the other guys.

By the time the dust had settled Kevin P. and Kevin W. got the final two roses, bringing Drew’s reign of terror to an end. I only wish had stuck around long enough to see it.

Were you glad to see Drew sent home? Comment below!

The Bachelorette Canada airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on W Network.

Images courtesy of Corus.


W Network greenlights Season 3 of Hockey Wives

From a media release:

Corus Entertainment’s W Network and Bristow Global Media Inc. (BGM) are pleased to announce that Hockey Wives has been greenlit for a third season. Production is underway and will see the show travel to new locales over the course of the season.

Set to air in spring 2017, the popular series centres around the lives of ambitious women balancing families, careers and personal aspirations while being married to the game. Cast details will be announced in the coming months.

After the success of the first two seasons on W Network, Hockey Wives will continue to have unparalleled access to the off-the-ice lives of the women who are the captains of their families, careers and relationships.

Hockey Wives is produced by Bristow Global Media Inc. in association with W Network. Executive Producers are Julie Bristow, President & CEO of Bristow Global Media and Megan Sanchez-Warner.
