Tag Archives: The Best Years

In the news: US looks to Cancon

Gayle MacDonald of the Globe and Mail adds another article on US networks looking north during the strike, but also the international success of Canadian shows in general:

  • Wanted: Cancon, everywhere
    “‘They can’t do reality and reruns forever, and they only have so many movies in the can,’ says Jennings. ‘So they’re looking around. ReGenesis is on the desk of three networks, and I had a call this week from one of the Big Three presidents,’ she adds, referring to the chiefs of NBC, ABC and CBS. ‘Whether it amounts to anything, who knows? These calls may – or may not – have happened regardless of the strike, but let’s just say it pushes [available Canadian programming] up the pile.'” Read more.

TV, Eh? podcast 10/01/07: Fall season preview; interview with Intelligence creator Chris Haddock

intelligence.jpgHere’s part two of the Canadian TV fall preview podcast, featuring a writer on writer interview with Intelligence and Da Vinci’s Inquest creator Chris Haddock, plus lively discussion on some new and returning fall shows. The podcast is about 20 minutes long; segment start times are approximate:

  1. TV fan and industry insider Caroline from A Place Called Say It, Say It, Say It, writer John Callaghan of Creatively Progressing and I talk about some of the new fall shows – Heartland, Da Kink in My Hair, and The Tudors.

  2. (Start time: 4:45) Writer Denis McGrath from Dead Things on Sticks interviews Intelligence and Da Vinci’s Inquest creator Chris Haddock – spoilerphobes beware, as he lets us in on what to expect from season two, starting Monday, Oct. 1 at 9 p.m. on CBC. (See a partial transcript of this interview here.)

  3. (Start time: 15:04) Caroline, John, and I are back with not-so-positive thoughts on Whistler and more positive ones on The Best Years and Blood Ties.

Check premiere dates and times on the schedule page. The theme music is from “Quarter to Eight,” a podcast safe track by Sweet Japonic.

Subscribe via the iTunes store or with any other program via the TV, Eh? feed, or listen below.

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Upcoming episode: The Best Years’ finale, Global, Aug. 14


Tuesday, August 14 – 10pm ET/PT

As the first term comes to a close and with the holidays quickly approaching, Samantha decides to take a chance and contact someone from her past; Dawn struggles with the reality of accepting a movie role, forcing her to choose between a career in film or the new life she’s been building for herself at Charles U; Kathryn gets a reality check from the school administration about the state of her grades.


In the news: The Best Years, more US reviews

From Marilyn Moss of the Hollywood Reporter:

  • BestYear2Bottom Line: A welcome summer addition to young-adult programming
    “The N’s new series for college kids (or thereabouts) is a welcome summer addition to young-adult programming. Realistic but not overwhelmingly so, humorous yet with enough pathos to get college kids involved, The Best Years, which focuses on one freshman’s new experiences at a Boston college, is wonderfully engaging fun and not in the least bit superficial.”

From Joanne Ostrow of the Denver Post:

  • “Best Years” moves to head of the class
    “The tone of the pilot is uneven, at times juvenile, at times reaching to far into Fox territory. But if producer (Aaron) Martin can figure out how to keep the angst going without making the stories too frighteningly real for younger viewers, Sam Best may be the coed to watch.”

From Rick Ellis of All Your TV:

  • Review: The Best Years
    “While The Best Years isn’t a home run, it is well worth watching. In no small part due to series star Charity Shea. “