Tag Archives: The Bachelorette Canada

Bachelorette Canada preps for hometown visits with tearjerker in Morocco

In the last week before hometown dates, the final five bachelors laid it all on the line for Jasmine as The Bachelorette Canada heads toward the finish line.

Kevin P. didn’t waste any time on his first-ever one-on-one date with Jasmine in Morocco, ironically discussing the rocky relationship he has with his mother after the pair successfully climbed a rock face. After hearing Drew’s patter for six weeks, it was refreshing to listen to Kevin and Jasmine be brutally honest with each other and come to the same conclusion: he wasn’t for her. Where Kevin wants to live a transient lifestyle full of excitement, Jasmine is ready to settle down and I totally respected both of them for talking so openly on primetime television.


Host Noah Cappe got some major screen time in Tuesday’s episode as he met with Jasmine to discover where her head was at prior to the group date with Mike, Mikhel and Benoit. Jasmine had already experienced a stunning one-on-one with Kevin W. that included milking cows, making bread and Kevin looking like Aladdin on steroids and cemented their strong feelings for each other. By the time she was done chatting with Noah, Jasmine had made her decision: she nixed the market group date in favour of meeting with each one on one to ask more questions before the roses were handed out.

Of the three conversations, Benoit’s was a bit stilted. That was, in part, due to Mike showing up but also because, for the first time, Benoit got serious with Jasmine about his feelings. They managed to get some more alone time, and it was then Benoit dropped the funny guy routine and told Jasmine he wasn’t willing to reveal his family to her unless she was really serious about them being a couple. Jasmine decided she didn’t want to jeopardize that and Benoit was sent back to La belle province.

Do you think Jasmine was right to send Benoit home? Who do you think she’ll end up with in the finale? Comment below.

The Bachelorette Canada airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on W Network.

Images courtesy of Corus.


The Bachelorette Canada crushes hearts in Quebec

With just eight guys left on The Bachelorette Canada, Jasmine’s job is getting tougher. And, with Quebec City as the backdrop, she got a lot closer to her final decision.

As the episode began, Chris announced to producers that he wasn’t going to focus on his differences with Drew, but his connection with Jasmine. Smart move, considering Chris isn’t vying for Drew’s affections.

But it was Mike—and his eight-pack abs—who landed the first one-on-one date of the episode, with the two taking to the skies in a helicopter. (I’m hoping Mikhel gets a helicopter date so he can show off his skills.) The fact he’s a firefighter scored Mike points, and their connection over parental loss did too. The in-sky smooches sealed it, and he nabbed the first rose of the night, though the fact he’s not able to relocate—at this point, anyway—could cause some problems.

As for the first group date, Mikhel, Chris, Kevin P. and Thomas donned plaid lumberjack shirts and headed outside to hammer nails and chop and carry logs around in the woods. It was a physical date designed to spotlight prowess and determination, and some did better than others. Thomas (speaking in third person, no less) and Chris started off strong, but Chris faltered in the end and the former construction worker turned international model was tops in the competition. Not only did he get free time with Jasmine in a horse and carriage but they discussed the differences between Tom and Thomas, and what they do to get freaky. Kudos to Thomas for letting his guard down and singing—into a Two Oceans wine bottle—to Jasmine because he was rewarded a rose for it.


Second group date was reserved for Benoit, Kevin W. and Drew. Drew announced he was playing it coy with Jasmine, with fingers crossed she’d be intrigued by his mystery and seek him out. Speaking of fingers, everyone’s got a workout at a spa where massages and other spa treatments were doled out. The hook? Jasmine was blindfolded and had to guess who was touching her. Drew went first, running his oily fingers all over Jasmine, and that upset Kevin W. quite a bit. Benoit and his vibrating things performed a sensual manicure, and upset Kevin W. too. When it was his turn, Kevin W. took control of the pedicure and got Jasmine all hot and bothered. Jasmine successfully guessed who had performed what and, after fending off Benoit’s tongue, got serious with Drew and talked dogs, outside fireplaces, apple trees and his mom. Kevin W., meanwhile, was surprised by the jealousy he was feeling and showed it by giving Jasmine a bit of a cold shoulder. He was rewarded by … Drew receiving a rose.

After a surprisingly low-key episode compared to last week’s fireworks, Jasmine doled out the remaining roses to Mikhel, Kevin W., Benoit and Kevin P. Unfortunately, despite wanting to focus on Jasmine, she wasn’t interested in Chris, his lyrics … or kissing him. That led to the most awkward moment of the season, Chris’ demise, and a tearful exit.

“Just another broken dream,” he said, wiping away tears.

Was Jasmine wrong to send Chris home? Comment below or via Twitter @tv_eh.

The Bachelorette Canada airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on W Network.

Images courtesy of Corus.


Cackles, crying and crafts on The Bachelorette Canada

The sun was shining and the abs were on display in Week 2 at the Sandals resort served as the backdrop for this week’s Bachelorette Canada episode. Of the 13 men remaining, David was the only one who didn’t go on some sort of date with Jasmine last week.

“Dateless Dave” continued his streak off the top as Scott the carpenter was selected for a group date alongside Mike, Drew, Thomas, Benoit and JP. Drew kept up his douchebaggery by mocking Dave and asking if he wanted to go in Drew’s place. I think Dave got off easy, as Jasmine and the chosen few headed off to dance. Kudos to the show’s producers for throwing two tests at the boys that challenged not only their skills (singing last week, dancing this week) but how willing they were to be outside their comfort zone. Conray and Andrew of Shady Squad demanded a lot of the fellows, encouraging them to instil confidence in their dance routines. Scott, who has had almost zero airtime, grabbed a lot on Tuesday as he admitted to having no signature moves. Infuriatingly, moments after Drew told producers he tells girls exactly what they want to hear, he was doing it with Jasmine, leading her to believe that had a pure connection. Was it careful editing, or is Drew really a bad guy who’s playing Jasmine?

The boys hit the street to perform, where Scott did an arm spasm, Mike ate an imaginary banana, Thomas whipped his hair around, JP did pushups, Benoit shook his butt and Drew did Drew things. At dinner, JP piped up to the rest of the guys that he didn’t trust Drew. That’s two guys who don’t think he’s there for Jasmine. In an interesting twist, Drew let his guard down and revealed he’d been engaged, showing a side no one had seen. The most awkward conversation of the night went to Scott, whose social skills mirrored that of the dance floor. Drew got the ever-important rose and the expression on JP’s face was classic.


Next up was Kevin W. and a one-on-one with Jasmine. After connecting with her on a personal level last week, I wasn’t really surprised. Kevin is a modern-day superhero, a former soldier, firefighter and all-around good guy. The pair headed aloft in a helicopter where hand-holding gave way to a make-out session before feasting on jerk chicken and caving before having dinner in a grotto. (Hope no bat guano fell into their Two Oceans wine.) But after flying high, Jasmine was brought down to earth when he admitted to being a serial first dater. Now, it may just be he hasn’t fallen in love with anyone and is very particular, but it was a red flag for her nonetheless. An awful story about his brother being stabbed later, and Kevin was given a rose and several smooches.

David didn’t go 0-for-6 as he joined Mikhel, Kyle, Andrew, Kevin P. on an art-related group date. Each guy was tasked with creating a piece of art for someone special—Jasmine, obviously—with help from students. But where guys like Kyle, Kevin P. and Andrew had fun with the kids, Mikhel struggled and admitted he was intimidated. Kevin P. was awarded precious one-on-one time with Jasmine and a rose.

At the rose ceremony, Mikhel landed a massive kiss on Jasmine and presented her with a coral necklace; Chris talked kids’ charity; and Kevin W. interrupted Scott, frustrating the other guys. Sticking around for another week with the Kevins and Drew were Andrew, Mike, Kyle, Mikhel, Chris, Thomas, David and Benoit. I was shocked JP was shown the door, though perhaps Jasmine wasn’t a fan of him being a butler-in-the-buff. As for Scott, well, he was too awkward and shy to make a real connection.

Are you hoping one of the guys tells Jasmine that Drew is there for the wrong reasons? Comment below or via Twitter @tv_eh.

The Bachelorette Canada airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on W Network.

Images courtesy of Corus.


Comments and queries for the week of September 23

Where is Liza Fromer?

I missed Liza Fromer on The Morning Show, and wondered where she was. Will she be back? —Sheila

No, Liza won’t be back on The Morning Show. Her contract was not renewed. Global News made the announcement in June.


Where is Kim’s Convenience?

What day and time is the pilot or premiere? —Alex

Kim’s Convenience debuts Monday, Oct. 4, at 9 p.m. on CBC. Look for our behind-the-scenes feature closer to air date.


No love for The Bachelorette Canada

It’s sad that instead of making original content, broadcasters are buying concepts. They are cheaper to produce and bring in decent ad dollars, so I guess that’s the bottom line. As someone who works in the industry, I find it disheartening. —Chris


Got a question or comment about Canadian TV? Email greg.david@tv-eh.com or on Twitter @tv_eh.



TV, eh? podcast episode 208 — Corndogs and Horndogs

After a bit of a break, we’re all back and chatting about the next two weeks of programming in Canadian TV. We move on to W Network’s The Bachelorette Canada After Show hosted by former Breakfast Television‘s Jennifer Valentyne, Global’s Mary Kills People heads into production, HGTV greenlights two new original series and cameras roll on CBC’s adaptation of Kim’s Convenience.

Side note: after we recorded the podcast, CBC renewed Still Standing and Baroness von Sketch Show for additional seasons.

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