Tag Archives: Syfy

Link: Dark Matter: Joseph Mallozzi talks “I’ve Seen the Other Side of You”

From Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies:

Link: Dark Matter: Joseph Mallozzi talks “I’ve Seen the Other Side of You”
“We sat down and broke the story over a couple of days. Paul [Mullie] wrote the script, he did a phenomenal job on it, and Steve DiMarco, this was his first directing gig with us, did a phenomenal job as well. This was one of my favourite episodes of the season. It’s a smaller episode, but I just love it.” Continue reading.


Killjoys: The Mess with Mossipedes

Star Trek had its legendary episode, “The Trouble with Tribbles.” Killjoys most notable Season 2 instalment so far may very well be Friday’s newest, “Shaft,” which I’ve dubbed “The Mess with Mossipedes.” Dutch, Johnny and D’Avin’s latest mission—to retrieve three fellow killjoys who’d gone missing in the Badlands—approached an explanation about Level 6, a shot across Liam Jelco’s bow and things Johnny described as looking “like an angry vagina.”

Dark and oh-so claustrophobic, “Shaft” found our trio—along with Alvis—in an abandoned mine shaft seeking three hunters who’d made an evacuation request that never made it to the RAC because Khlyen nixed the transmission. I’ve become a major fan of Turin (played by Patrick Garrow), so I’m loving the fact he’s teamed with our team. Can he be trusted? Maybe not in the long run, but he clearly isn’t a fan of Khlyen, so for the short-term everyone is on the same page.


The theme of mistrust was front and centre thanks to the mossipedes, whose gooey guts caused hallucinations first for the missing killjoys and then for Dutch, who imagined Khlyen was there, goading her and convincing her she was Level 6. The fact the hallucinogens were strong enough to cause Dutch to stab herself in the stomach was evidence of its true power. Is that really the stuff Fancy has coursing through his veins? It certainly appears so, especially since D’Avin rejected the goo and was able to turn the advancing hordes away just by gesturing at them.

Aside from the main story, Pawter and Alvis got some major screen time as well: the former outwitting Liam Jelco and escaping (only to be knocked unconscious as she approached Old Town), and the latter discovering part of the Scarback lore and rekindling his faith. I’m looking forward to Alvis’ journey this season; I was instantly intrigued by him last year and wanted to know more. Clearly we’re going to get more info moving forward; he found the monk and decrypted the runes, revealing one monk did return from battling the devil.

Is Alvis the next monk to wage war? And is Khlyen the devil?

Killjoys airs Fridays at 9 p.m. ET on Space.


Link: The Good, The Bad And The (Not So) Ugly – Interview with Dark Matter’s Anthony Lemke

From Steve Eramo of Sci Fi and TV Talk:

Link: The Good, The Bad And The (Not So) Ugly – Interview with Dark Matter’s Anthony Lemke
“We chatted about this year and I expressed certain wishes surrounding my character to Joe. He and Paul are both masterminds and the ones who decide where Three goes. Honestly, it’s been very rewarding this year, because they’ve managed to walk that fine line with keeping Three a scoundrel and selfish jerk – which can’t go away – while also revealing his grounded, sensitive and caring side.” Continue reading.


Link: Killjoys’ Aaron Ashmore & Luke Macfarlane talk new big bads & uneasy alliances

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Link: Killjoys’ Aaron Ashmore & Luke Macfarlane talk new big bads & uneasy alliances
“Turin is one of those really funny characters where we were all like ‘there’s something up with you! You’re suspicious!’ So as characters we all love to ride him and make fun of him all the time, but we’ll discover that ultimately he’s very useful and actually quite loyal and friendly to us.” Continue reading. 


Link: Dark Matter preview: Identity Crisis

From Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies:

Link: Dark Matter preview: Identity Crisis
Dark Matter is back this Friday with another exciting episode. Last week the crew finally reunited with the Raza, but in doing so Six (Roger Cross) was near-fatally wounded and put out of commission in stasis. Not along after the crew learned about the face of Derrick Moss, who they knew as One (Marc Bendavid). Continue reading. 
