Tag Archives: History

Comic-Con: ‘Vikings’ Boss Says Season 4B Is “Monumental” as “Change Is in the Air”

From Amber Dowling of The Hollywood Reporter:

Comic-Con: ‘Vikings’ Boss Says Season 4B Is “Monumental” as “Change Is in the Air”
“This season is monumental and there are two episodes that are unlike anything we’ve ever done. There’s never been anything on TV like them before. Change is in the air. Ragnar has reappeared after disappearing following his humiliating defeat. He’s come back because he has something very specific that he wants to do, but as he says he also wants to see how his sons have turned out. So all that is set in motion. Rumours of Ragnar’s demise were somewhat premature, I have to say; there’s plenty of Ragnar still to come.” Continue reading. 


Vikings goes all-out in midseason finale

“All of my life, and all of your lives have come to this point. There is nowhere else to be but here. Nowhere else to live or die but here. To be here now is the only thing that matters. So gather yourselves, gather all of your strength and all of your sweetness to an iron ball, for we will attack again and again until we reach, and overcome, their king, or die in the attempt. Blow the horns, beat the drums and attack, for there will be no turning back. Only victory, or death.” And with that rousing speech, Rollo—perhaps pulling inspiration from Coach Eric Taylor or at the very least his brother Ragnar—once again defends Paris from an attack by the vikings.

Here’s what to look forward to in Thursday’s midseason finale, “The Last Ship”:


Brother vs. brother
After 10 episodes, Rollo and Ragnar finally come to blows, and advance towards each other in very different states of mind. Rollo, once the drunken laughingstock in seasons 1 and 2, is clearheaded, confident and thinking of the big picture while Ragnar is confused, shuddering from drug withdrawal and singleminded.

Death follows
Yidu, Erlendur and Queen Kwenthrith all met their untimely demise in the last couple of episodes; the bloodshed continues both during the battle scenes and in Paris, where Emperor Charles decides to do a little bit of culling of his own. Forget The Red Wedding, how about the Deadly Dinner?

A look forward
We’d love to tell you what happens during the siege on Paris, but we want you to experience it spoiler-free. What we can say is that what happens during it affects the rest of the episode and leads to a time jump. Viewers will catch up with the citizens of Kattegat years later, and what is important to them. It feels like the next chapter of the story will focus more on Bjorn, his brothers and their desires.

Vikings airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET on History.


Disaster and distrust on Vikings

“Up unto the overturned keel, clamber with a heart of steel. Cold is the ocean spray, and your death is on its way.”—Rollo

“This is how you repay me? Everyone wanted you dead. I kept you alive. And this is how you repay my love!?!”—Ragnar

We’re so not used to seeing Ragnar this way. Addicted to drugs, making quick decisions, doubting himself. And worse, having everyone around him wondering if the great king is off his darned gourd. We’re also not used to seeing the vikings defeated so handily. Yes, Paris’ soldiers repelled Ragnar last season, but he got the last laugh with that Trojan horse move. This time around he was soundly, horribly beaten by Rollo and Count Odo, mainly because the former knows exactly what his brother has planned and can counter those moves. There’s no way Ragnar could have expected a chain would be hoisted between the forts to stop the longboat advance, but that didn’t make the situation any better. Throw in a well-placed bog to slow down Lagertha’s rear attack and a throng of French soldiers riding into he viking camp and the whole invasion was a disaster.

Floki, meanwhile, is at a crossroads. Helga was gravely injured in the camp attack but he was saved from drowning by Ragnar. Will he once again align himself with his old friend, or continue to support the rival King Harold?

As a matter of fact, the only bright spot in “The Profit and the Loss” was Ecbert being handed Mercia—and its crown—by the Prince, who was tired of battles and wanted only to present himself to the Pope as a peasant. Unwilling to hand over power to Kwenthrith, he’s just made Ecbert the most powerful man in England.

And let’s just pretend that weird scene between Floki, Aslaug and Harbard didn’t happen, OK?

Vikings airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET on History.


Vikings: Stalemate on the Seine

Historical television is my jam. Band of Brothers, X Company and Vikings are three of the most recent that I love. And while, yes, some feature more drama than hard facts, there is always a ring of truth to them. That’s why I always have my laptop and Google up and running when I watch Vikings.

Thursday’s episode, “What Might Have Been,” is a prime example of a storyline packed with facts surrounded by Michael Hirst’s writing. Longtime fans of the show already know Rollo really did attack Paris and later became the first ruler of Normandy—though he didn’t have a brother named Ragnar (Ragnar is thought to be legend rather than real man)—and his grave is in the Cathedral of Rouen. Likewise, we know from viking legends Bjorn travels throughout the Mediterranean, something hinted at thanks to the map he found during last season’s siege of Paris. Hirst’s take on the tale this week featured Ragnar, Bjorn and the rest infuriated by Rollo’s betrayal. It will be interesting to see what happens next week when we see the new French forts in action. Will the vikings have a much trouble as Rollo promised Emperor Charles, or will they simply pull up to shore and fight on land?

Meanwhile, Hirst is advancing to stories of two young men who make an impact on real history. King Ecbert’s belief that Alfred is destined to do great things was a slyly-written line because the young boy becomes history’s Alfred the Great. He did travel to Rome to meet the Pope when he was four years old, though there’s no record Aethelwulf accompanied him. (Historical records show Alfred had, unlike on Vikings, three brothers.) On the viking side, we have Ivar the Boneless. Last week, Ivar hacked open a kid’s skull, showing his violent side; on Thursday Harbard re-appeared (he certainly knows when Ragnar isn’t around, doesn’t he?) to educate the lad in … well, we don’t know.

What we do know is that when these two become men they’ll do battle with one another. In 868, Alfred fights Ivar’s army, which was trying to take over Mercia; this was the first of nine skirmishes between Alfred and Ivar. These two, coupled with Bjorn’s upcoming adventures, means there are plenty of stories to tell as long as Vikings continues to be renewed. It also means the show would go on without Ragnar, something that’s been hinted at several times this season. Addicted to a drug Yidu is making for him—likely opium—Ragnar’s body is breaking down and he no longer has the thirst for blood and power that drove him to attack England and Paris. And it may very well be this latest assault on Paris that kills him; one legend says cholera and wounds sustained fighting in Paris claims his life while the other account states King Aelle (who has aligned with Ecbert this season) throws him into a pit of snakes.

Vikings airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET on History.
