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TV, eh? podcast episode 190 – Former Hippie Lotharios

This time around, the trio discusses the new and returning Canadian TV shows coming up in the next couple of weeks—including OLN’s Polar Bear Town and CTV’s Saving Hope—before moving on to discuss The Amazing Race Canada‘s Season 4 renewal and Motive rolling on production for Season 4.

Diane gives us a preview of her latest website piece on The Social‘s anti-social behaviour.

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Preview: Still Standing in Buxton, Ont.

I haven’t been quiet about my fondness for Still Standing. Jonny Harris is the perfect Wayne Rostad of this generation, visiting small communities across Canada and spotlighting their history, liveliness and quirkiness. With just 22 minutes of on-screen time, Harris and his writing team manage to tell a story through jokes and observations; no wonder Still Standing has been renewed for a season season.

For those wondering what all the fuss is about, tune in to Tuesday’s newest episode, when Harris arrives in Buxton, Ont. With a population of just 166, Buxton—near Chatham, Ont.—is a huge part of American history. The last stop on the Underground Railroad, Buxton was the place slaves headed to in search of freedom. As Harris did with his episode in Coleman, Alta.—site of the Frank Slide—he treads lightly when it comes to a heavy topic. But that doesn’t stop him from ending a heartfelt description of the dream sought by those slaves with a harsh reality.

“Canadian winters a bit of a kick in the nuts,” he states in his Newfoundland accent. “All that cotton and what I really need is some wool.”

Harris spends time tooling around the area in a sweet convertible Mustang, describing how much of the community is directly descended from slaves and that businesses have fled. Where once two stores, a gas station and garage once stood, there is nothing, forcing many young folks to flee town in search of opportunity. Ironic that Buxton was the centre for opportunity 150 years ago. African Americans, lured by the promise of free land, an education and protection from racism by Reverend William King, rang the liberty bell in town upon their arrival, signalling another freed slave.

What makes every episode of Still Standing a success is Harris’ curiosity and people skills. With his gap-toothed smile, wide eyes and wacky hair, it takes just minutes for east coast comedian to establish a repartee not only with his interview subjects but during the stand-up portions of Still Standing.

Still Standing airs Tuesdays at 9:30 p.m. on CBC.


Comments and queries for the week of September 18

TV, Eh? competes on Canada’s Smartest Person

Wow, just watched the video of Canada’s Smartest Person: Journalist Edition. It was hilarious! Good for you, Greg. You did really well…did you drink champagne from the winner’s cup? —Joyce

Production begins on CBC’s Human Town

Sounds like Sunnyside, which is hilarious. I shall be taking a look. —Iris

Continuum‘s Rachel Nichols says goodbye to Kiera

I tried to watch this show but found myself weeping with boredom after a few episodes. This is what is sad and pathetic about Canadian TV – a show that no one outside the industry has ever heard of can last for years before being cancelled. —Snicker Doodle

A show that airs in Canada, the U.S., France, UK and Australia is definitely not “a show no one outside of the industry has ever heard of.” As for “weeping with boredom,” I appreciate and respect your opinion. I don’t agree with it, but I respect it.


Got a comment or question about Canadian TV? greg@tv-eh.com or @tv_eh!


Review: Amazing Race Canada reveals its finalists

After a week away from The Amazing Race Canada—I was off on my own adventures in Parry Sound and Sudbury, Ont.—I checked back in just in time as the final three teams were set up for next week’s season finale. (As an aside, I was disappointed Dujean and Leilani became bitter with each other last week and were eliminated while airing their dirty laundry.)

So, after a gruelling Leg in Edmonton jam-packed with drama and stolen cabs, Brent and Sean, Matt and Nick and Gino and Jesse will battle it out for the trucks, money and title in next Wednesday’s last episode. Eliminated on the mat at the Muttart Conservatory were Simi and Ope, who never gave up hope despite the fact they suffered from having two cabs stolen from under them.

I get that it’s a race, but I wasn’t impressed that Gino and Jesse stole that first cab from Nick and Matt at the Edmonton Waste Management Centre. That move forced the wrestlers to play dirty pool and grabbed Simi and Ope’s ride, something they clearly didn’t feel good about doing. Gino and Jesse made it a twofer when they then absconded with Simi and Ope’s cab after the curling Face Off. Again, I understand The Amazing Race Canada is a competition and calls for desperate times, but I was disappointed. I guess I’m just a sucker for fair play and the world just isn’t a fair place sometimes.

Still, kudos to the father-daughter team for ending the Race with their heads up and thanks to Ope for the inspirational words about this country.

“It’s amazin’!” he said tearfully in front of Jon Montgomery.

Speaking of amazin’, how about Brent and Sean? The brothers have emerged as perhaps the most unlikely of frontrunners after beating out their more physical competitors to land in first place for the week. They conquered garbage, curling, shopping for snacks and acting to emerge as bona fide contenders for the title. They also showed sportsmanship; after taking someone’s cab at Fort Edmonton Park they ordered a replacement.

Here’s how the teams finished this Leg:

  1. Brent and Sean
  2. Nick and Matt
  3. Gino and Jesse
  4. Simi and Ope (eliminated)

Notes and quotes

  • That newlywed couple were in on the joke, right? They knew their big day would be interrupted by finalists, I’m sure.
  • “Shopping. I mean, this is our task.” — Sean
  • Nick and Matt may be tough guys, but jumper cables are NOT a snack.

The Amazing Race Canada season finale airs next Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CTV followed by After the Race.
