Tag Archives: Featured

Bitten: Which family will Elena choose?

Bitten isn’t wasting time in its last season. Where some television series would have dragged out the final showdown between Eduardo and Jeremy for at least a half-season—or even as a season-ender—this program ain’t. Sure, part of that may have to do with it being the closing episodes, but still … these wolves were running around like a pack of dogs after a favourite chew toy.

On one side was Eduardo who, instead of evading Jeremy, decided to go head-on at him. It ever-so-briefly appeared as if the plot may work—getting Bucky on-side and inside was a masterstroke—but Jeremy and Steve figured out what was going on and called Clay. That lead to one heck of a double dust-up in the living room between Bucky and Clay and Elena vs. Eduardo in the kitchen. (Note to self: cast-iron frying pans are great for cracking skulls and making griddle cakes.) Both members of our pack came out on top, with Bucky stabbed like a prize hog and Eduardo trussed like one and stored in the cage.


If that wasn’t enough, Sasha continued to leverage his way into Elena’s heart, explaining how he’d smuggled her out of the Soviet Union, pointed to her birthdate tattooed on his arm and pleaded to be part of her life. At this point, I’m as unsure of Sasha’s motives as Elena is. He’s saying all of the right things to win her over, and Jeremy’s all-or-nothing attitude is pushing her further away from him and towards the Russian with the puppy-dog eyes. Further confusing the issue? Sasha telling Elena that Roman—while we saw him Hulk out and make ground beef out of Eduardo—killed Alexei and Katia’s mother because he was hunting Sasha.

This, of course, puts Elena in one heck of a bad position. If she protects Sasha, Alexei and Katia from Roman, she threatens to piss off Jeremy … and in the mood he’s in he’s liable to give Elena an ultimatum: choose Sasha or her pack. What will she do? What would you do?

Bitten airs Fridays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Space.


Comments and queries for the week of February 19

YTV’s Anne of Green Gables celebrates family

When I heard of a new Anne of Green Gables film, I wondered why someone felt the need to produce it. I watched the premiere airing, and wondered why even more.

Sara Botsford and Martin Sheen? Really? They don’t fit their characters at all, and their acting skills are limited. Little Ella Ballentine tried, but the three will always be measured against the wonderful 1985 trio of Megan Follows, Colleen Dewhurst and Richard Farnsworth. Not to mention Dame Wendy Hiller in the 1987 sequel.

Not only was the acting in the new film inferior, we also had strange anachronisms such as references to a welfare system and child services, which Canada did not have in 1908 when the novel was written. Trying to update a classic is often a fool’s game. It takes away from the whole texture of the piece.

I realize I’m comparing a movie and a mini-series, but it’s the quality that concerns me. To be measured against an Emmy Award-winning mini-series (followed by the sequel, two years later, which is of equal quality) is a tall order. It would be like trying to remake Citizen Kane or Casablanca. Leave well enough alone.

What should be done is to rebroadcast the 1985 and 1987 series, perhaps every couple of years. They would build a new and growing following, much as films such as It’s a Wonderful Life and The Wizard of Oz have done. —Robert

Saving Charlie on Saving Hope

I think it might have hit Maggie… —Norah

I so HOPE there is HOPE that neither Alex or Charlie ended up dead! I can’t believe that guy could get the information from the receptionist as to where Alex and Charlie were. No receptionist would ever have done that (I know from whence I speak.). The show was so fabulous and so shocking for me at the end! And me, all by myself, with my dog and cat. This show is at the top of my list of shows to watch. I’ll be waiting for Season 5 on tenterhooks. Absolutely love you all for such a good series. Now I am waiting
for the first show of the next season, to see what the next twist is re: Charlie or Alex, or…? —Robin

I think Alex will be shot. Charlie’s already been through quite a bit in terms of “OMG, will he make it??” situations. On another note, I’d love to see more Sydney (Stacey Farber) next season. She and Maggie make a nice fit. —Jordan

I feel like it would be too obvious and redundant to have Alex or Charlie end up in a coma again. Maybe he missed and the bullet passed them and hit someone behind. @Jordan, I agree! Saving Hope needs more Sydney Katz/Stacey Farber. —Flora

I agree with you both. Stacey Farber needs to come back and she should’ve been in the season finale. —Carly

You’re right. I had to re-watch the end of the episode on CTV.ca to see that the woman was behind Alex, facing Charlie, so that proves Charlie may still have his “gift.” In terms of angles as shown on the final shot, I would be more inclined to think we are being misled. However, we will have to wait and see. —Christopher

I don’t know who the ghost was (but Charlie saw her, yay!), she said to him “It’s time to go.” That could mean a whole host of things. I think Crenshaw shot Charlie. It was Charlie he was after, and I think the gun went slightly in Charlie’s direction right before the cut. Did Crenshaw escape, or did he win his appeal? If he won, would he be that pissed about spending a few extra months in prison, only to be put back after this incident? Revenge may be sweet but it makes people idiots. And now the long wait. —Hallie


Got a comment or question about the Canadian TV industry? greg@tv-eh.com or via Twitter @tv_eh.


Vikings returns with more murder and mayhem

Like a viking raid, there was a lot going on during Vikings‘ Season 4 return on History. “A Good Treason” had a lot of ground to cover, and for the most part was successful. Season 3, of course, concluded with a grievously-injured Ragnar being transported back to Kattegat, Rollo left behind as a representative in Paris and Floki realizing Ragnar knew he murdered Athelstan.

Thursday’s return caught up with everyone an untold amount of time later, though enough time had passed that Ragnar’s sons were significantly older, Ragnar was on the mend and Rollo was wed to a very unhappy Princess Gisla. (Quick note: I appreciated seeing the symbolism surrounding the gates of Valhalla and them closing in front of Ragnar to represent him going back to the land of the living, but the scene was a little too long.)

Meanwhile, Aslaug—clearly tired of Ragnar’s ways—approached The Seer and asked if a woman will lead Kattegat after Ragnar was dead. The Seer, who loves to speak in circles, answered in the affirmative, though I doubt it’s the current Queen he was speaking of. No, my money is on Lagertha, who returned to Hedeby with her own plunder. Kalf, who is quickly becoming a favourite character of mine, announced he and Lagertha will rule the outpost together, drawing the ire of Einer, who immediately plotted to oust the shield maiden from the town for good. Unfortunately for Einer, Kalf had a backup plan and—with the help of Erlendur, who was armed with a bunch of French crossbows—eliminated the threat. (I had to turn away when Lagertha cut off Einer’s genitals. Don’t ever cross that shield maiden.)

As for Floki, he’s in tough thanks to an over-eager Bjorn, who had Ragnar’s most loyal friend and brilliant ship and siege tower builder arrested. As a convalescing Ragnar reminded his eldest son, now he has to deal with Floki sooner rather than later. Bjorn, smarting from the comment, announced his intention to go off on his own and survive, proving to Ragnar he is able to shoulder responsibility. Pair the fact Bjorn didn’t tell his father about the map of the Mediterranean and the sudden Boy Scout field trip, and I’m betting Bjorn’s next ask is to put oars in the water and lead a group in search of the sea. (Those Bjorn vs. bear images floating around the Internet suggest the ursine challenge is coming soon.)

Finally, new Canadian cast member Dianne Doan made a brief appearance, first being purchased by Aslaug and then when Ragnar noticed her in the great hall. I can’t wait to see where that storyline goes.

More Vikings runes

    • I love the newish opening credits with flames, blood and Kattegat
    • Kattegat has expanded inland and the fleet is much larger
    • Ragnar had a right to be upset with Bjorn for leaving Rollo behind. He knows his brother will turn against him when presented with a position of power.

Vikings airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on History.


X Company shines in Season 2

Last season, I reviewed X Company on a weekly basis, commenting on the characters, story structure, etc. It was a lot of fun, and satisfied the part of me that loves history. I decided that, for Season 2, I’d step back a bit and wait before writing anything about it. The reason? I wanted to let X Company wash over me and percolate before I wrote anything resembling a review. Now, after four weeks of episodes, I’m ready to write something.

X Company @#$%ing rocks.

Season 2 is tighter, packing drama, danger, emotion and levity into every 42-ish minute episode. There’s action at every turn, consequences to every decision and an understanding of what every character is going through regardless of what side of the Second World War they’re on.

The Allied group, headed by Aurora, is a much tougher and cohesive team. Alfred, has quickly evolved from a man struggling to control his warring senses into one willing to die to save both his team or those in need. I said, “What is he doing?!” to myself when Alfred ran out to replace the fallen POW in Wednesday’s latest episode. He quickly assessed the Allies needed someone on the inside to figure out how to bust five men out and decided the best way to do it was from inside the prison. Aurora has evolved too. Yes, her emotions are still very close to the surface, but she can make sacrifices to keep “the good guys” safe. She proved that last week when she killed René to keep him from spilling more secrets to the Nazis.

Speaking of the Nazis, I’ve been silently cheering for Franz Faber and his wife, Sabine. The pair made the awful decision to kill their developmentally disabled son, Ulli, rather than send him off to be murdered by strangers. Now the repercussions of that decision, including Faber eliminating that jerk Forst, are beginning to close in. Seeing Faber and Sabine struggle puts a human face to the side of the Second World War the Allies viewed as evil. But, of course, they’re people just like us, regardless of who or what they were fighting for.

Heading into Season 2, Dustin Milligan told TV, Eh? “the shit has hit the fan” for the team. He wasn’t lying. Time is running out for Aurora et al. to get organized in time for the invasion at Dieppe, while the mysterious scuba man has arrived in Whitby, Ont., intent on targeting Duncan Sinclair. The Second World War has arrived on Canadian soil, and I’m not sure what will happen next.

I can’t wait to find out.

X Company airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on CBC.



Vancouver’s Dianne Doan conquers Vikings

Is Ragnar Lothbrok plotting to invade China in Season 4 of Vikings? New cast member Dianne Doan was mum on that possible plot point, but the character she plays, Yidu, certainly casts Ragnar’s eye in that direction. The Vancouver actress says Yidu, who was captured in Paris and brought to Kattegat for sale, makes an impression on Ragnar because of her look, education and strong will. Ever curious, he’s fascinated by her background, religious beliefs and the Tang Dynasty she’s part of.

With Vikings returning Thursday on History, we got Doan to give us a sneak peek into what Yidu is up to.

Yidu certainly catches Ragnar’s eye pretty quickly.
Dianne Doan: I haven’t seen the final edits yet, other than the official teasers online. They’re keeping things under wraps, even for the cast!

Can you give me some background on Yidu? I’ve read some stuff online and done a little bit of research, but what’s your description?
She was kidnapped on the Red Sea and brought to Paris. When the vikings raided Paris, they captured her and brought her back to Kattegat. Viewers meet me when Aslaug purchases me as one of her new ladies.

I read about Yidu’s world views and beliefs. Can you talk about that?
I made sure to do my background work on the character, and to find out what dynasty and era she came from. Back in the Tang Dynasty, where she is from, women were allowed an education and a profession. Women of that time had a voice and I wanted to bring that. As a slave, she still wants to keep her individuality and empowerment within Kattegat. Right off the bat when Ragnar meets her, he’s interested in where she comes from, her religious views … he wants to learn, as he usually would have through Athelstan.

Was there anything that surprised you as you did research for the role?
I was shocked to learn that, in that time period in Asian culture, I could have a voice. That was the main thing that I found and what I wanted to incorporate into Yidu.


Joining an established show can be tough at first, because the cast and crew already have a shorthand. What was that experience like? Did your Canadian co-stars Alexander Ludwig and Katheryn Winnick take you under their wings?
It was really intimidating walking in. Alex called me ‘Vancouver’ for the first week because we share that common fact. Katheryn was great; she gave me so much advice because I’ve never been on a TV series before.

What was Ireland like?
In Vancouver you’re either on a sound stage or, if you’re lucky, on location. With Vikings, they’re taking advantage of every landscape that they can. It’s unbelievable how beautiful it is there.

What’s interesting about Yidu is that she’s from further east. Ragnar, to this point, has been exploring Britain and France. Does meeting Yidu turn his eye towards that part of the world?
I don’t know! She definitely creates some sort of curiosity. Whether or not he does travel east, I couldn’t tell you. There is more raiding and battles in this upcoming season.

Had you watched Vikings before you were cast on it?
To be honest with you, it was so violent and visually appalling sometimes … after a few episodes I wasn’t sure I could keep watching it. But after I got the role I wanted to make sure I knew every storyline and every character, so I did watch it all. And that’s where I found the beauty of Vikings. There are so many intimate relationships and storylines. It’s not just what you think when you see the title, Vikings.

Vikings airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET on History.
