Tag Archives: Dark Matter

Link: Dark Matter: Joseph Mallozzi talks “Wish I Could Believe You”

From Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies:

Link: Dark Matter: Joseph Mallozzi talks “Wish I Could Believe You”
“Basically, we wanted to tell a story and this let us tell the story in a unique way. Sort of non-linear, if you will. Really, what I wanted to do was find a way to get inside Six’s head. The real nugget of this episode was the revelation that he had a family, and essentially what happened to the family. It just seemed like an interesting way to get at that story.” Continue reading.


Link: On Syfy, the Revolution of Leading Ladies Is Already Being Televised

From Alexis Gunderson of Paste:

Link: On Syfy, the Revolution of Leading Ladies Is Already Being Televised
From Wynonna, Waverly and Officer Haught on Wynonna Earp to Dutch, Pawter and Clara on Killjoys to Two, Five, Android, Nyx, Misaki, Sarah and Solara on Dark Matter, Syfy has spent the last several summers demonstrating week after sweltering week that by transforming femininity into narrative power, and then placing that narrative power squarely in the hands of multiple, wildly different leading ladies, a whole metric ton of compelling stories can be told—stories in which boobs (begging zero pardon for this pun, as Wynonna would never forgive me if I did) are just the tips of a complexly feminine iceberg. Continue reading.


Link: Dark Matter: Mishka Thébaud on Adrian’s bright future

From Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies:

Link: Dark Matter: Mishka Thébaud on Adrian’s bright future
“I’ve gotten a lot of great fan responses since my first episode. The fans of Dark Matter are fantastic. The feedback has been awesome and people have been tweeting regularly. I’m surprised by all the feedback, to be honest. It’s been great.” Continue reading.


Link: Dark Matter: Joseph Mallozzi talks “One More Card to Play”

From Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies:

Link: Dark Matter: Joseph Mallozzi talks “One More Card to Play”
“It’s always so tough when you’re coming up with those twists and turns. It reminds me a bit of an episode of Stargate SG-1 called “Ripple Effect” where there was a twist I wanted to do at the end, but I didn’t know what the twist was until I actually sat down and wrote it. Then I got to the twist and I thought, “this is what I’ll do” and it worked out. It was one of those rare instances where it worked out. With this one, it was packed full of fun little twists.” Continue reading.
