Tag Archives: CHCH

Link: Wynonna Earp: The cure for TV’s female problem

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Wynonna Earp: The cure for TV’s female problem
It’d be easy to focus on all the negativity surrounding females–both on and off screen–at the moment, but sometimes it’s more helpful to focus on the positive. Wynonna Earp is all about female power. Not only that, it’s about females that lift each other up, instead of tearing one another down. It features several different types of female characters–each a unique and realistic portrayal of a complex woman. Continue reading.


Link: Tim Rozon Talks Doc Holliday and Wynonna Earp

From Heather M. of TVGoodness.com:

Tim Rozon Talks Doc Holliday and Wynonna Earp
“He was best friends with Wyatt, who was probably his only and best friend. We’re going to find out some of his past history this Friday. That will give more insight. We’re going to find out some stuff now that will show [why he makes] the choices he makes. I don’t think he knows what good or bad is. He’s doing things that he needs to do to help himself. He lives in the gray a little more.” Continue reading.


Link: Wynonna Earp: Emily Andras talks “The Blade”

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Wynonna Earp: Emily Andras talks “The Blade”
“I would venture to say that Wyatt Earp is the only person who Doc Holliday ever truly loved. Because Wyatt was such a good man and he in turn loved Doc, it meant that Doc was a good person on some level. Wyatt’s approval made Doc believe that he could be a good person.” Continue reading.


Link: Wynonna Earp’s Tim Rozon says Doc is out for himself

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Wynonna Earp’s Tim Rozon says Doc is out for himself
“I honestly can’t tell you exactly what Wynonna thinks about Doc. Just because he said who he is doesn’t mean anybody believes it, or that all the sudden he’s trusted by anybody. At the same time, there are demons and she’s the heir to the curse to put down revenants, so there’s these things that aren’t normal, and she is more susceptible to believe what he’s saying.” Continue reading. 


Wynonna Earp advances the plot in Episode 3

Monday’s episode of Wynonna Earp on CHCH—entitled “Leavin’ on Your Mind” and written by Brendon Yorke—is described thusly: three revenants go into the city to cut off an innocent murderer’s hand, and then steal a diary belonging to a deaf-mute poet. Wynonna and Xavier soon realize that they’re preparing to cast a spell … which will let them go over the line. And yes, that is what happens in the A-story, but the rest of the instalment goes a long way to revealing the machinations of at least one character.

Here’s what we can tell you without giving too much away.

Waverly and Wynonna are roomies
Yes, the sisters Earp have moved in together, though I’m assuming that’s after some home renos are done to patch the shotgun holes Waverly made in the walls in Episode 1.

Waverly has done her research
We already knew Waverly did some major digging into the Earp curse, but a key scene in the police station reveals more: there is a triangle shaped spot called The Ghost River Triangle that goes through Purgatory and the city, and keeps the revenants contained within it. While rifling through some old photos, Waverly finds a picture that sends her on a dangerous mission. So dangerous, in fact, she should have put her cell phone in airplane mode.


Is Agent Dolls really who he says he is?
Sure, Dolls refers to his superiors and he has that badge, but we have yet to see him call any superior’s back at the office. Is he really under orders from someone else, or is her a lone wolf with his own agenda?

Who (or what) the heck is Doc Holliday?
Doc has done two favours for Bobo Del Rey so far but doesn’t appear to be a revenant or under Bobo’s command. He’s searching for someone, and we finally find out who. Not that being given a name is all that helpful, though we’re given a tantalizing hint in the episode’s closing moments. While we’re talking about Doc and wondering about him, I’ve got a question: where does he get his money for booze?

Wynonna shows her soft side
We’re used to the snarky, physical Wynonna, but a family reunion reveals the vulnerable side to our heroine, a woman holding deep hurt, guilt … and revenge. But this being Wynonna Earp, the moment doesn’t last long.

Wynonna Earp airs Mondays at 9 p.m. ET on CHCH and at the network’s website via live streaming.
