Tag Archives: APTN

TV, eh? podcast episode 215 — Fishing in Honey Holes

Recording on Halloween night means talking The Hilarious House of Frightenstein before the scariness of the November calendar.

Greg recounts his Anne of Green Gables set visit where he spoke to Martin Sheen, who portrays Matthew Cuthbert in the YTV TV-movie before talking about his next trip: the set of CBC’s Pure. Then he and Anthony close out by discussing APTN’s foray into the U.S. in 2017 with All Nations Network.

Listen or download below, or subscribe via iTunes or any other podcast catcher with the TV, eh? podcast feed.

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Link: APTN, a TV voice for largely ignored Indigenous Canadians

From Dan Levin of The New York Times:

Link: APTN, a TV voice for largely ignored Indigenous Canadians
Better known as APTN, the network is mainly aimed at viewers in Canada whose cultures existed long before the first Europeans arrived. But its reach is far larger, available to more than 11 million Canadian cable and satellite subscribers with news and entertainment programs designed to reflect the values, spiritual traditions and political priorities of indigenous people across Canada. Continue reading.


Comments and queries for the week of October 28

Loving those Mohawk Girls

I’ve really liked this show from the beginning. The characters all seem real and relatable and the writing is actually fairly good at times with several truly funny moments, which is saying a lot because there are so many unfunny comedies on TV right now. There are a few rough spots in the writing and acting but I think that’s just because they are giving less experienced writers/actors a chance to learn/grow which is a good thing. —Alicia

Hating Bachelor Drew

I could not stand Drew and the possibility of him being on The Bachelor Canada would repel me from watching the show. How could you possibly even contemplate such a thought? He is self-centred, egotistical and a real douche. Since Day 1, when he was introduced and kept winking at the camera I have had a hate-on for the guy. Who does he think he is, he is such a jerk. If Mike (firefighter, paramedic) does not get chosen by Jasmine I think he would make a great Bachelor Canada. —Irene

The only way ratings will go down is NOT due to Drew’s departure…it will be because she let Thomas go….Drew is so full of himself!!!! —H

Who would want to see any more shows with this fake person on it? I cannot even believe that offer would be made to a person who acts like him, particularly his obnoxious performance when he was eliminated. Nobody wants to watch THE DREW show, except maybe DREW. Just an all around bad human being. At least the show will warn people off him and not allow the fake salesman into their lives. —Bev


Got a question or comment about Canadian TV? Email greg.david@tv-eh.com or on Twitter via @tv_eh.


APTN’s The Other Side explores more ghostly stories in revamped Season 3

Jennifer Podemski is a fan of paranormal programming. Heck, she’s had her own experiences with the otherworldly. But while programs like Paranormal State interested her, they didn’t cover a wide swath of her own background.

“I was a huge fan of Paranormal State, to the point I would watch the same episodes over and over again,” the writer, producer and actor says. “Then I realized, ‘Huh, isn’t it funny that I’ve never noticed how absent this show and genre is of an Indigenous perspective?'” After gleaning that information for several years, she consulted with her Angel Entertainment colleagues Wally Start and Bob Crowe and wrote a show bible. The result? The Other Side—returning for Season 3 this Thursday on APTN—a program that has Indigenous perspectives and ways of knowing, understanding and belief systems woven throughout the narrative.

“It’s an interesting spin on an old genre,” Podemski says. “I thought it would be amazing to have something on our own network, APTN, that showcased a little bit of perspective.” Back for more experiences are intuitive Jeff Richards and elder and spirit guide Tom Charles, with newbie Michaella Shannon taking over as researcher; researcher Priscilla Wolf and investigator Bill Connelly are longer with the show. Podemski has known Shannon for years, since she was part of the supernatural drama Rabbit Fall, and in addition to being an amazing role model within the community, is an intuitive like Richards. She was a natural when Podemski was looking to refresh and tighten up the series for Season 3.


That refresh isn’t contained to the cast. The Other Side‘s opening credits have been revised and filming of the 13 episodes took place during the summer months, a first for the program. What hasn’t changed is the content. The Other Side continues its excellent storytelling, education and documentation of paranormal experiences without using cheap camera tricks and dramatic music to play up what this trio witnesses. Thursday’s return instalment, “Mr. Clark,” not only gives a history of Fort Walsh Historic Site in Maple Creek, Sask., and the massacre of First Nations people that occurred there but documents a man who may still be wandering around the grounds.

Podemski says upcoming an episode presents the most meaningful communication between a client and spirit or entity ever while another provides powerful, emotional moments at a residential school.

“One of my biggest concerns about doing [an episode] like that was that the story was told in a respectful and accurate way, that has the ability to transcend the policies around what people understand about residential schools,” she says. “These are real people that are very rarely spoken about in the Canadian narrative. It was a very intense show.”

The Other Side airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET on APTN.

Images courtesy of APTN.


Mohawk Girls — Beast of a season premiere!

WELCOME BACK to the LADIES from Kahnawa:ke! It has been 11 months and one week–not that I’ve been counting–since we last got to laugh at all of your crazy goings-on. And, finally, we learned whether or not Bailey (Jenny Pudavick) said yes to Watio’s (Jimmy Blais) proposal (She said yes!). Let’s go over everything that happened in Tuesday’s Season 4 return, “Fauxhawk.” Let’s see what it means to be a real Mohawk. Who is fake and who is real? Who is denying their true self?

We pick up Season 4 of Mohawk Girls the day following Hawi’s (Adriana Garisto) near disaster fundraiser. Zoe (Brittany LeBorgne) is skulking home following an a-rousing good night at the sex club. Despite the fundraiser’s success, no one is forgiving Zoe’s disappearing act. She takes some impulsive steps to make amends but to no avail. In yet another attempt to regain control of her life, Zoe goes to the extreme and decides, “I am running for Chief!” Now I have two questions: how do you all feel about having a diagnosed sex-addict as your Chief, and how is Zoe’s mum (Tantoo Cardinal) and current Chief going to react to the news her daughter is running against her?

Caitlin (Heather White) has her own dilemma. The oh-so adorably cute, incredibly sincere Leon (played by newcomer Dwain Murphy–welcome to the family!) is committed to a relationship with her. But his lack of Mohawk blood presents a huge problem for Kahnawa:ke. Initially turning him down, Caitlin reconsiders and agrees to a relationship with the Luscious Leon! FINALLY. I have been shipping Team Cailin for what seems forever, but I also suspect Butterhead (Meegwun Fairbrother) is not going to react well to an outsider replacing him in Caitlin’s life.

Anna (Maika Harper) is trying her darnedest to get back with Thunder (Kyle Nobess). Even though he misses her, it seems Team Thana is done because Thunder simply cannot forgive Anna for her treatment of her mother (Nadia Verucci). Anna’s only consolation? Kahnawa:ke finally embraces her and has become home. But at what expense to herself? And now that she is single, what kind of trouble is Anna going to get into with her newfound acceptance?

And finally, as I mentioned at the top, we learned Bailey said yes to Watio’s very public proposal. She is wearing his ring, but she is definitely experiencing some second thoughts. Is this cold feet, or is her heart trying to tell her this is the wrong man?

A BIG SHOUT OUT to Tracey Deer, Cynthia Knight and the entire Mohawk Girls team, including Rezolution Pictures, for a great season opener! Also a Thank you for APTN: this year we get eight episodes and they are spread out over eight weeks!

Let me know your thoughts on the season opener in the comments below! What do you think our fab four Mohawk ladies are going to get up to this season?

Mohawk Girls can be seen Tuesdays at 9:30 p.m. ET on APTN.
