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TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

Mohawk Girls review: Wherefore art thou Feathers?

This week we have two  major lessons for outsiders. The first comes in the form of the the title itself– Where are the feathers? This is particularly fitting at this time of year when we see cultural appropriation in the form of Hallowe’en costumes. Feathers represent a host of traits revolving around bravery, trust , and power, and are only  awarded to those who have bravely fought a significant battle. In short, feathers are hard earned and once earned, displayed proudly. So this begs the question: what acts of bravery are our fearless four up to?

Caitlin ( Heather White), is still on her heroic quest for personal growth, in order to overcome a lifetime of hurt perpetrated unwittingly by a loveless father. She is still making mostly positive life choices explaining to her personal trainer  and hottie “perfect gentleman” Leon (Alain Chanoine) that “there is no more booze, no more men” and Caitlin decides to  enroll in a business course. Leon is incredibly proud of her successes and a few more little sparks let fly.

However, Caitlin has a few little set backs: feeling like the seventh wheel among her friends, and slips a bit in the “flirting with men” department, but throughout she ultimately forges on with her path to self improvement.

Bailey ( Jennifer Pudavick) is clearly settling into her new romance with Watio (Jimmy Blais). But as fabulous boyfriend material goes, they are less than simpatico when it comes to Mohawk politics. Watio passionately sides with those who believe if you Marry Out Get Out whereas Bailey sides with those who wish to stay, join in, and raise their families in the Mohawk community. This mirrors the widely publicized debates regarding the intermarriage policies that are in place at the real Kahnawa:ke. At any rate, Bailey holds her tongue and later we learn that Watio invites Sose (Glen Gould) and Auntie Velma ( Ashley Michaels) for breakfast so he can meet her family. I guess we need to stay tuned to find out if Bailey can overcome this politically based obstacle or if this proves to much for her to tolerate within the context of an intimate relationship.

Next we turn to Anna (Maika Harper) and her ongoing struggle to fit in and learn about her Mohawk heritage. Whilst out walking with Thunder ( Kyle Nobess)  she meets Thunder’s younger brother Danny (played by Kyle Nobess’s  brother Jesse Nobess) and learns that he is worried about the social complications this relationship can mean for Thunder and their family.

The issue surrounding Anna’s Blood Quantum Number continues as a  major plot device when our girls and their partners gather for a games night. Watio feels it is necessary to to attack Anna’s Mohawkness, or rather her lack of Mohawkness, forcing Thunder to come to her defense.

Undaunted, Anna decides to take her pursuits further and she visits the Longhouse. It is here our second lesson, this time delivered by an Elder of Kahnawa:ke ( played by Billy Two Rivers) is learned. For Mohawks’ it is at the Longhouse that the people come to learn to “live in harmony with creation–all of Creation”. The Elder invites Anna to attend a Social the next evening so she can learn about her people. With Caitlin and Bailey by her side for moral support, Anna initially flounders, obsessing with note taking and picture taking rather than just listening and experiencing.

In the end, Anna in her typical guileless self enters and ultimately wins the ladies’ Smoke Dance but her happiness is short lived. The community members feel threatened and misunderstand Anna’s exuberance to learn. Thunder tries to explain the chasm that exists, but instead of easing her concerns, he lands squarely in Anna’s gun-sight.

Finally, we learn what is motivating Zoe ( Brittany LeBorgne) and this new found relationship with Ohserase (Shawn Youngchief).  Caitlin and Bailey confront Zoe and she admits that she is only dating Ohserase to improve her public persona. The girls agree she needs a “personality makeover” in order to avoid losing her position as legal counsel for the band. To advance her cause, she hosts a football party, but leaves to meet her master Dom (Kyle Switzer).

Episode 3 closes on an entertaining twist. We see Zoe turning up unannounced at the the school Dom has said he is principal at only to discover he is merely the custodian. Dom announces that he never wants to see “stalker Zoe” ever again.

So, what is in store for our ladies next? Will we see more sparks between Caitlin and Leon? Can Bailey convert Watio to her way of thinking regarding the Marry Out Get Out policies at Kahnawa:ke? Will Anna and Thunder put this latest tiff behind them as she continues to learn about Mohawk Culture? Now that Dom is out of the picture, will Zoe focus on building a healthy relationship with Ohserase? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.


Blackstone returns seeking happiness

It’s kind of ironic that the focus of Tuesday’s Blackstone return dealt with happiness. APTN’s drama, ending after this final fifth season, hasn’t featured a lot of lightness or positivity. Instead, it’s reflected the real issues affecting Native Canadians, from alcoholism and drug use to sexual abuse and murder. So, to hear the word happy even uttered was a little strange.

And yet there it was, used by Gail, the one person on Blackstone whose life is anything but happy. Wendy was kidnapped by Darrien and shows no signs of returning her, throwing Gail and Leona’s lives into disarray. Wilma is dying, and Gail is engaged in a daily battle with the bottle. But as Dr. Crowshoe suggested, discovering what makes Gail happy is her key to getting better. That included getting up in front of those at the band office and apologizing for her sins of the past.

Happiness was a big part of “Beginning of the End” for every major character, albeit in subtle ways. It seems like the only thing that will make Andy happy is reclaiming the chiefdom from Victor. Andy loves power and everything that comes with it—money and women—and blames Victor for Debbie’s death and Alan’s injury. But to become happy, Andy is going to make desperate, rash decisions to get there and I worry things will end badly. Nothing good can come from digging up a buried body. Daryl, meanwhile, is happy just running a successful club. If only things were as simple for others.

I know Darrien is a monster to most, but his most tender moments on Tuesday were reserved for his quiet time with Wendy. He may puff himself up like a tough guy, but Darrien clearly wants to connect with his daughter. I’m not sure kidnapping her was the right decision, but it’s where his brain went first. And then there was that little cough; clearly things aren’t right in Darrien’s lungs.

As for Victor, well … I’m sure he’d be happy if someone finds him before he dies out there in the forest.

Blackstone airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET on APTN.


Link: With a new government, it’s time for a clear-out in Canadian TV

From John Doyle in the Globe and Mail:

With a new government, it’s time for a clear-out in Canadian TV
This column takes note of the epic shift in our nation and sees it as the occasion for a complete changing of the guard in the Canadian TV racket. Things change, things come to an end. It’s time for a clear-out, now that PoH’s reign has begun. Continue reading.


Link: Sunnyside is weird, wacky and wonderfully Canadian

From Melissa Hank of

Sunnyside is weird, wacky and wonderfully Canadian
It’s true: Life really can be so sweet on the Sunnyside of the street. But it can also be twisted, random and downright weird — and not necessarily in a bad way.

Sunnyside, a Canadian sketch-comedy/sitcom hybrid airing on City, isn’t for the faint of heart. Set in an urban neighbourhood that could be Anyplace, Canada, it’s chockablock with quirky recurring characters like an evil barista named Shaytan, a trio of lady meth addicts, and a cashier who can alter reality for a price. Continue reading.


Property Brothers: 100 Episodes & Counting Special Premieres Monday, November 9

From a media release:

W Network’s Property Brothers celebrates its 100th episode (airing November 9 at 9 p.m. ET/PT). Prior to the milestone episode, Drew and Jonathan Scott, will host the brand new special Property Brothers: 100 Episodes & Counting that takes fans on a hilarious ride through their favourite moments from the past 100 episodes of the hit series. The Property Brothers: 100 Episodes & Counting hour-long special airs Monday, November 9 at 8 p.m. ET/PT, followed by the 100th episode of Property Brothers at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

Over 100 episodes and 100 dream home renovations, the Canadian duo have become iconic with their wits and skills while renovating or selling a home. Over the past five seasons, Drew and Jonathan have helped couples find, buy and transform extreme fixer-uppers into incredible homes. They’ve put up walls and brought down houses, pulled up floors, completed miracle renovations in weeks, walked red carpets and been included on People Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive List and HELLO! Canada’s 50 Most Beautiful List. In the special, viewers see how Property Brothers first came about, how an episode is put together, as well as all-time favourite bits from the show, including the evolution of Drew and Jonathan’s hair styles.

Property Brothers is produced by Cineflix (Property Brothers 5) Inc. in association with W Network. Gerard Barry is among the Executive Producers for Cineflix. For more information on these series, please visit
