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TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

Paranormal Survivor gets spookier in Season 3

Oh, lucky day! Specialty network T+E (formerly known as Travel & Escape) is available in a free preview in March, meaning potential customers have access to one of the creepiest series on television: Paranormal Survivors.

Returning on Friday at 9 p.m. ET/PT, Paranormal Survivor takes a different approach from the usual supernatural series. This isn’t just about turning out the lights and waving technology around in the air, asking questions into thin air. Nope, this project—from Our House Media—interviews people who have been assaulted and abused by entities. As they tell their tale, re-enactments bring it to life, injecting disturbing details and driving home the fact they believe something awful happened to them.

In the first part of the debut, “Dream Home Nightmares,” Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., resident Kirk Wilson and his mother, Colleen, recount their 1987 experience. Moved items, strangely stacked CDs and a feeling of being watched plagued Kirk for months until one night when several “things” came out of his closet. Kirk was determined to ignore the occurrences … but then it got physical. There is no doubt Kirk his mother believe otherworldly stuff happened, and that’s what makes Paranormal Survivor so darned dramatic and, at times, disturbing.

In addition to the episodes on television, T+E has also released a series of one-minute digital shorts called Paranormal Survivor: Evil Surrounds You, available on the channel’s YouTube and Facebook pages. Each video features a one-minute scary scene based on true story. It’s very well done; I was suitably freaked out tracking my way around a darkened bedroom as something came out of the closet in the first clip. (A technical heads-up: the videos don’t work in Safari, so use another browser to witness the creepiness below.)




Paranormal Survivor airs Fridays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on T+E.

Image courtesy of Blue Ant Media.


Saving Hope prepares for a tumultuous goodbye

Five years. Eighty-five episodes. Regardless of what country it’s been created and filmed in, Saving Hope is a success story. Now we’re saying goodbye to CTV’s medical drama, but the Canadian Screen Award nominee—returning Sunday at 10 p.m. ET/PT—isn’t going quietly.

Executive producer and showrunner Adam Pettle and co-executive producers Noelle Carbone and Patrick Tarr (the latter two are currently writing Season 3 of Cardinal), sat down with us during a Saving Hope set visit last summer and hinted at the drama Alex (Erica Durance) and Charlie (Michael Shanks) will go through, and what will befall recent lovebirds Dawn (Michelle Nolden) and Zach (Benjamin Ayres). And keep your eyes peeled for our interviews with Nolden, Ayres and Dejan Loyola in the coming weeks.

At what point did you know there would be a Season 5?
Adam Pettle: I think it was October, just after the Season 4 debut. We were still working on the season finale and weren’t sure if we would be writing a series finale or a season finale.

Noelle Carbone: I think every series [in Canada] is in the same boat where you write for a series finale and hope it’s a season finale.

What would have happened if last season’s finale was the series finale? Would it have been different?
Adam Pettle: Yes, and you’ll see it this year. Maybe.

Noelle Carbone: [Laughs.] Yeah, we’re just going to recycle our idea!

I understand you had to close off the street in front of the Royal York Hotel downtown to film part of the Season 5 return. Is that the biggest shoot you’ve done?
Adam Pettle: My feeling was, we wanted to come back and have a different energy and pace to this year’s premiere than last year’s. Last year it was quieter because Alex and Charlie were together and in this domestic setting. We’ve been rooting for them to be together.

Will Crenshaw be back in Season 5?
Patrick Tarr: We’ll definitely be feeling his effects.

You brought Alex and Charlie together … but I understand things may change?
Adam Pettle: Saving Hope is a love story between Charlie and Alex and to have an emotional payoff for fans [is important]. They’ve also had really shitty luck and need to figure out some stuff.

Noelle Carbone: As in real life, having a baby doesn’t always solve your problems. There is a lot of work to be done in solving the fundamental problems of that relationship. Every time they get together something tragic happens. [Charlie] might see ghosts or he might be crazy. Alex has been searching for a cure, suggesting that he have the surgery to remove the brain tumour. She’s not 100 per cent bought into his reality and that’s a fundamental disparity between them. Luke—as adorable as he is and as much as they love him—is not going to solve that.

Patrick Tarr: We have these great lead actors [in Erica Durance and Michael Shanks] and to give them real challenges and real places to go—yearning and frustration—there is a lot more there than in contentment. To give them some scenes to really sink their teeth into was motivation as well.

Adam Pettle: Alex is our hero and I think putting her in a place where she’s doubting herself or having a crisis of faith is identifiable.

I noticed a name on the call sheet that says ‘Ghost Claudia.’ Obviously, having the tumour removed did not change what Charlie can see.
Patrick Tarr: That’s right, and some might say at some point in the season it comes back with a vengeance.

Noelle Carbone: The Season 4 finale did such a wonderful job opening up that spiritual world to what is possible for Charlie. It was so visual and so different … how do we build on that and how do we evolve that experience for him seemed like a natural progression for Season 5.

Dawn and Zach have a solid relationship now.
Noelle Carbone: In the read-through, when they finally got together, everybody cheered. Everyone here is as invested in them as much as a fans are.

Adam Pettle: Even inside of the Dawn and Zach relationship we want to give them obstacles and challenges. We have to keep those characters who they are so that they don’t become soft.

Patrick Tarr: They’re prickly people, so that makes it easy to create some tension in their relationship. They’re both fully-formed people with opinions.

Noelle Carbone: We also threw some professional challenges at them in the early part of the season that I think will galvanize their relationship.

Saving Hope airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on CTV.

Images courtesy of Bell Media.


X Company 309: Writer Daniel Godwin breaks down “Friendly Fire”

Spoiler warning: Do not read this article until you have seen X Company Episode 309, “Friendly Fire.”

In X Company‘s penultimate episode, “Friendly Fire,” Duncan Sinclair (Hugh Dillon) bet on Franz Faber’s (Torben Liebrecht) word and lost. Desperate to rescue his POW son, the team leader agreed to turn over the blackmail tape he was holding over Faber’s head. However, during the exchange, Faber had Sinclair and Neil (Warren Brown) arrested to prove his triple-agent status to his incredulous superiors.

“The big question—and we’re starting to answer it in these last two episodes—has been, ‘Can we trust Franz Faber?’ And that answer is really starting to become clear. He’s somebody who wriggles out of those tight spots,” says episode writer Daniel Godwin.

In a fruitless attempt to help Neil escape, Sinclair chose to take his own life, giving himself up to the greater mission, and, as Godwin explains, paying for his mistakes.

“He’s definitely feeling a lot of guilt over becoming emotionally compromised by the involvement of his son, and I think he’s maybe starting to realize he was wrong about trusting Faber, and that’s what came crashing down on him,” he says.

To get us ready for next week’s series finale, Godwin joins us to break down Sinclair’s sacrifice, Faber’s double-cross and all the other plot points of the action-packed episode, including Alfred and Aurora’s long-awaited romantic interlude.

Stephanie Morgenstern directed this episode. Did that add any excitement to the assignment?
Daniel Godwin: For me, it was very cool, because it was Stephanie’s first hour of television that she’s directed, and it was a big honour. Because the first hour of television that I got to write was actually thanks to Stephanie, because she’s the creator also of Flashpoint, which was my first writing credit. So for that to come full circle and have my script be the first thing she directs for TV, how cool is that?

And her attention to detail is so impeccable, and then, of course, her experience coming from the acting and writing worlds combined with her knowledge of the show, I think it really shines through in this episode and you’ll see in the final episode even moreso. I can’t think of a more fitting director to wrap up the series, really.

I was so sad that Sinclair died, but his sacrifice made sense to the story. Why was the decision made to kill him?
That’s a good question. We talked a lot about this in the writers’ room. In fact, we talked through just about every version of these last two episodes, in terms of who would survive and the outcome of that. Going into the final season, Mark and Stephanie had a pretty clear picture of where they wanted things to end for each of our spies. And this season, we were fortunate to have such a talented writers’ room. I think we were all interested in chasing down a conclusion for Sinclair that felt the most emotionally satisfying, and so when we looked at him, Sinclair’s a guy who believes in protecting this bigger picture and this great mission. He’s definitely feeling a lot of guilt over becoming emotionally compromised by the involvement of his son, and I think he’s maybe starting to realize he was wrong about trusting Faber, and that’s what came crashing down on him.

And, you know, with his son, he’s someone who’s given so much to this war, and it felt like a fitting sacrifice for him in the end for Neil just to have a chance of escaping. And it kind of sets the stakes of where these guys are at and the reality of that, and that’s why it was just such a tragic conclusion when Neil was recaptured at the end there.

For me, actually writing that final Sinclair scene was really tough. I’ve known Hugh since back on Flashpoint and killing a main character like that, unfortunately—or fortunately—I’ve never had the pleasure of doing before. So getting to write that was such a privilege. And if anyone is a fan of Flashpoint, for me, I wanted to play with that final scene a bit. I wrote it as sort of an anti-Flashpoint moment. Normally, at that point, Hugh would be the one trying to talk down the guy with the gun, so it was a lot of fun getting to reverse those roles and take him to that really dark place.

And what about William? I’d hate to think both of Sinclair’s sons died.
Well, you may want to tune in next week!

Faber faced a nightmare version of This Is Your Life, when his superiors laid out all his inconsistent actions since Season 1. It was fascinating to see him get out of it, but he turned on Sinclair to do it.
Faber is one of my favourite characters to write for. Torben, in particular, does such a great job at bringing him to life, too. The big question—and we’re starting to answer it in these last two episodes—has been, ‘Can we trust Franz Faber?’ And that answer is really starting to become clear. He’s somebody who wriggles out of those tight spots, and that’s where we like seeing that character when his back is against the wall. And, you know, at the end of 308 when he revealed he’s a triple agent, it’s all starting to catch up to him. And, for me, I loved just kind of pinning him with all those questions, especially this being the penultimate episode, seeing him sit down and have to answer about all these lies and all these things that he’s stacked up over the last three seasons and just picking at those scars and those scabs, and I think truth is really catching up to him. And for the first time, I think we’re starting to see Faber for maybe who he truly is, and he’s starting to realize it, that he’s a pawn in this much larger game.

I can’t decide if I think Faber should die for his sins or be forced to live with his actions.
That’s what we talked about in circles for days and days and days. Which is a sign, I think, that you’re on to something good, when you can inspire those conversations and those thoughts.

It was so much fun to see Krystina out in the field. She was so in charge with Manfred, and it was wonderful to see her alongside the rest of the team.
Well, Lara Jean is such a great actress, and think we were all dying to see her in the field properly and have Sinclair make good on his promises of getting in the field. I really liked how we revealed that, too, without making a huge deal about it. We just pick her up, and she’s in Berlin, helping to set up a mission just like any other team member. And like you said, watching her in action with the team, alongside them, like I would watch an entire Krystina spin-off series.

Now that Sabine knows the truth about her father’s beliefs, she seems ready to fully embrace her autonomy and start standing on her own. What can we expect from her in the finale?
I think you’re definitely on the right track there. I think Sabine is someone who’s been told how to act and told what to do her whole life, and you see that coming from her husband and from her father and the spies are telling her what to do. And her awakening has really been in full force this season, with the bullet holes she saw in the clothing, and she’s really starting to open her eyes to what’s going on. And now with Ania during that air raid in this episode, that moment where she starts comforting that girl, I think she’s starting to notice that she’s playing a part in this whether she wants to or not, and she’s more powerful than she knows. So she’s got some choices to make, coming up, to separate her from the people who are controlling her and telling her what to do.

When we last spoke to you, you were worried fans would hate you because you broke up Aurora and Alfred, but you got the chance to make amends in this episode. Are you happy with the way that payoff played out?
So happy. Again, that was such a long arc in the making, so I think it concluded in such a great way. And for Alfred and Aurora, they’ve been resisting this for so long for all the same reasons that Sinclair has been fighting, for that bigger picture, the mission, the duty of it all, that kind of thing. And for both of them in this episode, the reality is setting in that they’re behind enemy lines, and this is an incredibly dangerous mission, and they both know that they could die at any moment. They’ve seen that with Harry and everything leading up to this moment, but I think that even on a deeper level, what’s happening with Aurora is that she’s questioning those orders in that bigger mission now. Because what she just did on ‘The Hunt,’ that insane episode, she’s starting to lose sight of who she is and what she’s doing, and our season theme of becoming the enemy is really ringing true for her. So, meanwhile, in this storm of the air raid, it’s Alfred with his perfect memory who’s able to remind her of exactly who she is. And Evelyne and Jack just played it so beautifully, and I think people watching that moment feel the same as Alfred and Aurora do, because if it’s not now, when? How are we gonna do this? Yeah, that moment really paid off in a great way.

Neil was captured at the end of the episode. How’s he going to get out of that jam?
We know Neil’s pretty strong. He’s always been one of our strongest team members, so we do have a plan. You’re in good hands. Keep watching, and I think everyone will be pretty happy with how things all go.

So everything comes down to the anniversary party with Voight. What can viewers expect from the finale?
I think it’s a really strong episode of X Company. It’s a really fitting way to say goodbye. It’s glamorous, there’s action, there’s plenty of emotion and so many turns. I think people are going to be really surprised at how everything shakes out and where it all goes. And I think you’re going to feel very satisfied. I think it’s a very fitting conclusion to the series.

This was your last episode of X Company. In 20 years, what do you think you’ll remember most about your time on the show?
I think for me, I’m just really proud of what we accomplished in three seasons. It’s been such an honour to be able to tell these stories and to write such compelling characters for the brilliant actors that we have and to be able to shoot in historic European locations and just working with Mark and Stephanie again. I’m so thankful to them for creating such an amazing series and just letting me be part of it. I think that’s what I’ll remember the most.

X Company airs Wednesday at 9 p.m. on CBC.

Images courtesy of CBC.


Kevin Hanchard, Murdoch Mysteries and Andrew Phung take home trophies during Night 2 of Canadian Screen Awards

Orphan Black‘s Kevin Hanchard, Murdoch Mysteries – A Merry Murdoch Christmas, Slasher‘s Wendy Crewson, Schitt’s Creek‘s Emily Hampshire, Baroness Von Sketch Show and Kim’s Convenience‘s Andrew Phung were among the winners in the Creative Fiction categories during Night 2 of the Canadian Screen Awards.

Hosted by Seán Cullen, the non-televised celebration honoured 42 categories in the guest performance, writing, directing, photography, editing, production design, visual effects, sound, limited, variety and sketch comedy.

“We celebrate all of you in the creative industry,” Cullen said at the beginning of the night. “You are the Steve Bannon of this industry.” He then mentioned Canada’s 150th anniversary before poking fun at Murdoch Mysteries. “The only mystery about Murdoch Mysteries is how to stop yourself from being lost in Yannick Bisson’s eyes,” he said.

“I want to thank Pete Mitchell,” Murdoch Mysteries executive producer Christina Jennings said after A Merry Murdoch Christmas was named Best TV Movie. “He has been running Murdoch Mysteries for six seasons and we are now at 150 hours of television.”

Here are the winners in several of the key categories:

Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Supporting role in a Dramatic Program or Series
Kevin Hanchard, Orphan Black

Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting role in a Dramatic Program or Series
Wendy Crewson, Slasher

Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Supporting role or Guest role in a Comedic Series
Andrew Phung, Kim’s Convenience

Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting role or Guest role in a Comedic Series
Emily Hampshire, Schitt’s Creek

Best Writing in a Variety or Sketch Comedy Series
Baroness Von Sketch Show, CBC

Best Writing in a Comedy Program or Series
Jared Keeso, Jacob Tierney, Letterkenny

Best Writing in a Dramatic Program or Limited Series
Peter Mitchell, Murdoch Mysteries – A Very Murdoch Christmas

Best Writing in a Dramatic Series
Graeme Manson, Orphan Black

Best Writing in a Children’s or Youth Program or Series
Alejandro Alcoba, Degrassi: Next Class

Best Writing in an Animated Program or Series
Craig Martin, Nerds and Monsters

Best Performance in a Children’s or Youth Program or Series
Brittany Raymond, The Next Step

Best Performance in an Animated Program or Series
Martin Short, The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot about Camping!

Best Performance in a Guest Role, Dramatic Series
Edward Asner, Forgive Me

Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Dramatic Program or Limited Series
Ben Carlson, The Taming of the Shrew

Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Dramatic Program or Limited Series
Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Unclaimed

Best Performing Arts Program
The Taming of the Shrew, CBC

Best Pre-School Program or Series
PAW Patrol, TVO

Best Animated Program or Series
The Curse of Clara: A Holiday Tale, CBC

Best Children’s or Youth Fiction Program or Series
Odd Squad, TVO

Best TV Movie or Limited Series
Murdoch Mysteries – A Merry Murdoch Christmas, CBC

Best Variety or Sketch Comedy Program or Series
Baroness Von Sketch Show, CBC

The complete list of winners from Wednesday night.


The Canadian Academy launches new apprenticeship program for female directors

From a media release:

The Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television today announced the creation of a new Apprenticeship Program for female directors, as part of the organization’s year-round initiatives addressing pertinent issues within the film, television, and digital media sectors. This initiative will receive major support from The RBC Emerging Artists Project and Canada Media Fund (CMF). The Apprenticeship Program will assist early and mid-career female directors in film, television or digital media to identify and achieve their career and project goals, hone their directing skills, and develop a network of allies to springboard the advancement of their work.

“The Academy believes that gender equality in key creative positions shaping story-telling content, is an essential element of a vibrant and profitable media industry,” said Beth Janson, CEO of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television. “Homogeneity on ours screens is a missed opportunity to capitalize on the diverse experiences of Canadians. It is this belief that motivates the Academy to develop its own programming to address this industry-wide issue.”

“The CMF is delighted to support this program. Supporting third-party initiatives such as this one is part of the CMF’s broader strategy to increase gender balance in Canada’s screen-based industries,” stated Valerie Creighton, President and CEO, CMF. “We believe that the female talent and skill are out there. We only need to level the playing field, so new opportunities for women can be triggered. I’m certain this and other initiatives being implemented by organizations across our industry will trigger those opportunities.”

Participants will shadow a working director in their own region for six months, while also participating in bi-weekly working sessions with other participants, conducted via Google hangout. These hangouts will include guest speakers who will run working sessions on practical skills that are essential for every director to have in their toolbox. A small honorarium will be provided to the participants.

The Academy will hold an open call starting in May 2017 to recruit participants for the Apprenticeship Program, with the goal of ensuring diverse regional representation and with special attention paid to outreach among Canadian women who are members of typically underrepresented groups in the mainstream media industry, including Indigenous Canadians. Applicants will submit a Statement of Interest, and will be asked to include a sample of their work and a letter of recommendation from a colleague, mentor, or peer.

The Academy will convene a diverse, regionally representative Selection Committee of six established professionals from the industry. These six experts will select the inaugural cohort of participants. Once the six candidates have been selected, the Academy will work with each mentee to understand her goals and to pair each participant with a regionally appropriate mentor who is an established professional working in the film, television, or digital media sector.

In order to ensure a robust, rigorous programme that is truly national in scope, the Academy is building an advisory committee, which will include organization working to promote female directors from all regions. Women in View is the first organization on the committee.  The Academy looks forward to engaging with other industry partners to support the program and enrich the experience of its participants
