He Said/She Said: Are reality shows the scourge of TV?

Join Greg and Diane every Monday as we debate what’s on our minds. This week: Are reality shows the scourge of TV? He said: My feelings for competition reality television shows, particularly in Canada, is two-fold. It’s easy to rip on this type of programming as trashy, invasive and stupid, but it’s here to stay. Ever … Continue reading He Said/She Said: Are reality shows the scourge of TV?

A weekend at The Toronto Screenwriting Conference

By Marsha Greene After a jam-packed weekend at the Toronto Screenwriting Conference, I went home feeling totally stretched — my mind from the insightful panelists, my voice from greeting and meeting industry folks, and my stomach from Caplansky’s grilled cheese sandwiches. If you’ve talked to me or follow me on Twitter, it’s no secret that … Continue reading A weekend at The Toronto Screenwriting Conference

Interview: Illusions of Grandeur’s Zack Mirza brings magic to OLN

By Nicole Lee Twenty-seven year old Zack Mirza has been performing magic professionally for the past 7 years. His first memory of magic dates back to a magician at a cousin’s birthday when Mirza was 6 years old. When he was 10, he remembers going up on stage as a volunteer at a carnival magic show. It … Continue reading Interview: Illusions of Grandeur’s Zack Mirza brings magic to OLN

Link: The Real-Life Science Behind Orphan Black

From George Dvorsky of io9: The Real-Life Science Behind Orphan Black In addition to being incredibly entertaining and provocative, the popular Orphan Black series is absolutely teeming with science. From human clones and genetic engineering through to DNA barcodes and genetic patents, here’s what you need to know about the science behind the show. Continue … Continue reading Link: The Real-Life Science Behind Orphan Black

Review: Has X Company’s Alfred already been captured?

Thanks to Ellie, who wrote me last week to suggest the blue, jail-like room Alfred is in could literally be a cell to keep him safe in case the Germans attempt to kidnap him. He does, after all, have the British and Canadian plans inside that skull of his. I’d originally thought the cell was … Continue reading Review: Has X Company’s Alfred already been captured?