TV, eh? | What's up in Canadian television | Page 539
TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

Link: Dark Matter: Ellen Wong on why Misaki doesn’t consider herself a villain

From Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies:

Link: Dark Matter: Ellen Wong on why Misaki doesn’t consider herself a villain
“I feel that it’s always coming from a place of needing to make a decision for the greater good and sometimes it sucks to have to lose things along the way, but that’s part of war and that’s part of it being your home and your people in the long run. That’s my perspective.” Continue reading.

Link: Dark Matter: Ellen Wong on that betrayal and admiring Two’s “badassery”
“I think at this point she realized–she’s given him so many chances already throughout the season–she has to take matters into her own hands. That means possibly overthrowing the throne because Ryo is clearly too emotional and has his hands in so many pockets. Especially with the Raza crew and Teku swaying him, there’s so much going on and already Zairon is at so much risk and we’re losing so many people, so Misaki is like, ‘okay, he needs to go.'” Continue reading.



Link: Wynonna Earp: Michael Eklund explores a new side to Bobo Del Rey

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Link: Wynonna Earp: Michael Eklund explores a new side to Bobo Del Rey
“The thing about Wynonna Earp is that it’s family-oriented and everyone is very close, which I love. It’s like they invite you, ‘would you be willing to come back?’ It’s like an invitation back to the party. I said ‘of course I’d like to come back! I’ve been waiting for this a whole season.’ They present it like ‘maybe you don’t want to,’ but of course I do! I want to play Bobo! So when I got the call I jumped at it.” Continue reading.

Link: Wynonna Earp’s Michael Eklund says Bobo can’t be trusted
“They write so well for Bobo and Waverly because of the relationship they have. I have to give credit to the writing first of all, and the scenes they write for the two of us are so strong, powerful and give us so much to work for. Then I have to give credit to Dominique because she’s so good and what she brings to those scenes is so strong.” Continue reading.





Comments and queries for the week of August 18

Fans react to Saving Hope‘s series finale, Part 3

I hated the ending. I wanted to see the love they had for each other and, finally, have a long life together married. Instead, Charlie dies. I loved this show, please bring it back it was the best show on Tuesday nights to look forward to. All the good shows get taken off the air; not a good idea. Tuesday nights will never be the same. —Joann

This show had great potential but took some ridiculous/illogical (unrealistic) plot twists. The final episode—killing off Charlie—ruined the whole show and made everything that came before it hollow and a waste of time. This is not Shakespeare; movies/television of this type are escapism, and the last thing people want in a show like this is the permanent sense of disappointment associated with the show by ruining all the time and emotion invested in the previous episodes with a final, dreadful, tragic, unhappy ending, like in the show The Wonder Years. People deserve the happy ending in entertainment that they seldom get in life, and when they don’t get it, it is a betrayal. I did not see every episode and was fully prepared to buy the series on DVD. I won’t waste my time and money: if I want to experience the pain and disappointment every episode will be tainted with from now on by knowing the final outcome of the series, I can just experience it every day in real life. —R

Terrible ending. Why would anyone hope after that ending? Too many bad things happening to this couple and you end it by actually killing their lives together. Hope … I think not. Worst ending ever. Forget the reruns. —Gloria

Having to get up at 5 a.m. for work after watching Saving Hope til wee hours of the morning was tough but I couldn’t miss an episode. I was hoping that Charlie’s death was a dream and that he really didn’t die. I truly hope that the show’s creators come up with another show of this stellar quality. I am so sad that it had to end this way. Thanks to all for keeping us entertained. There is no other show out there that can touch it. —Kathleen

Great show … I will miss it. Very sad ending. Maybe it might come back with the child having the gift after the accident??? —Valerie


Got a question or comment about Canadian TV? Email or via Twitter @tv_eh.



Link: Dark Matter’s Natalie Brown on her expanded role in Season 3

From Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies:

Link: Dark Matter’s Natalie Brown on her expanded role in Season 3
“I think that things were a little rough for her on her home planet, so this was a much more hospitable place that she always dreamed of being. Although it’s interesting to me that she can create anything she wants, and all she seems to want is a soft place to sleep and somewhere welcoming for Three that’s green and lush. I feel like her planet was so overmined that what she really missed was clean air that she wasn’t able to breathe, so she gave herself plenty of greenery and oxygen.” Continue reading.




Link: Killjoys’ writer Julie Puckrin previews what’s next for Dutch

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Link: Killjoys’ writer Julie Puckrin previews what’s next for Dutch
“Michelle assembled a great team, and we laughed a lot. It can be a little intimidating to join a show in its third season – there is a lot of history, and these are fully formed characters, with an established fan base that you want to do right by. But the whole team was so supportive, they made it easy.” Continue reading.


