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TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

Comments and queries for the week of Dec. 26

The bulk of this week’s comments had to do with the results of our year-end poll where Lost Girl came out on top as your Favourite Canadian TV Show of 2014. 

You name some great shows. Have you tried watching Lost Girl? And Big Brother is the same American or Canadian and supports us Canadians. The point of these polls is so we can get Canadian shows out there so people are like, “I’m going I binge on this Canadian show.”–Chelsea

Canadian dramas are not glitzy like most U.S. shows, but that’s what’s great about them. I watch most–Heartland, Blackstone, Arctic Air etc.–it’s like I’m walking out my front door and right into them … real, believable people. Heartland is at times is a bit “corny” but if it doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, you’re not human!–John

And a few fans had something to say about the most recent episode of Saving Hope too.

I find it hard to believe that Joel fought hard for Alex all this time and when he had her, he messed up like that. I know Daniel Gillies is juggling two shows but it was unbelievable. They should have found another way to break them up.–Evelyn

Got a question or comment about Canadian TV? or head to @tv_eh.


Review: Mohawk Girls go to “Freaksville”

Written by Carolyn Potts

So often other people make us feel as though we are just complete aberrations of society. We are made to feel as though our wants or desires are wrong by mainstream standards. Or, we feel that those we care most about are on an unsuitable path that we feel compelled to alter. This episode entitled “Freaksville” explores exactly this and nicely sets the stage for the next episode entitled “What’s Your Number”. Both deal with understanding who you are and where you belong in life, but this episode focuses on the emotional perspective in a very playful manner.

We have three main story lines this week: Bailey feels at odds with the constrictions of life on the rez, Zoe is coming to terms with her freakish beast, and our loveable Caitlin finds herself a fish out of water with Butterhead and his mother. Anna does not figure prominently this week as she is recuperating from the beating she took at the hands of Mean Girl Vicky (Rachelle White Wind) at the conclusion of “Building a Nation”. Anna is however, still hat girl, an outsider with her abnormal styles and interests, even with “be still my beating heart” Thunder at her side.

Our girls throw a celebratory party for Caitlin and Butterhead. Butterhead the Blockhead arrives to the party, with his freakishly rude table manners on full display, thoroughly embarrassing Caitlin in front of her friends. Still, Caitlin trusting that Butterhead the Warrior is still buried deep inside, agrees to move in with Butterhead and his “ma” (played by Esther Sky). We witness Caitlin and her struggles to exercise patience as she tries to adjust to her new family.

Meanwhile Zoe is confronted by a confused Caitlin for her outrageous fetish outfit. With the knowledge that Prim and Proper Zoe secretly owns some freakish outfits, the girls decide to mount the exact same intervention they attempted on Caitlin last week. Zoe tries to explain that she doesn’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations at these parties. Being the supportive friends that they are, Caitlin and Bailey agree to attend one of these parties in the hopes of understanding what it I that attracts Zoe. The “Freaksville” costume party, as outrageous as the experience is for GOGO Bailey and Mistress Caitlin, is also a strangely liberating experience for our girls as they let their freak flags fly. After all what happens in Freaksville stays in Freaksville. Knowing she has her friends’ acceptance of her secret, Zoe now has the confidence to stand up for herself.

With Anna keeping a low profile Mean Girl Vicky turns her vitriol on Bailey, declaring Bailey will end up a spinster. After all, she cannot even keep a white guy. Sose (Bailey’s Father) and Auntie Velma comfort Bailey as she grieves the loss of Jack but in truth, they are elated that the short lived romance is done. Sose and Velma believe a mixed culture relationship would be the end of their world (more on this in the next episode). Bailey blames the community for driving Chicken Hearted Jack out of her life. She believes liking a white boy shouldn’t be the end of the world but to most of Kahnawa:ke it is. It spells the end of Kahnawa:ke. At odds with both her family and her community, Bailey realises that she just wants to be who she is and enjoy what she likes. She needs more stimulation than Kahnawa:ke can provide her. She refuses to settle and by the episode’s end she makes the decision to move to the city.

We should also note that a number of small comments by Caitlin came up throughout the episode setting the stage (I think) for another interesting future storyline involving her mother. What do you think? Will Zoe get caught with up with her leash in a compromising position? Will we ever get to see Butterhead the Warrior? How will Bailey make it alone in the city? Let me know in the comments!


Link: Dragons’ Den: Where are they now?

From Tara Deschamps:

After eight seasons of hearing zany and clever pitches from entrepreneurs hoping to make it big with products dreamed up in basements and garages across the nation, the stars of CBC show Dragons’ Den know a good idea when they see it.

The hit show features five self-made millionaires who listen to pitches from wannabe tycoons soliciting dollars for a slice of their companies. Continue reading.


Link: Best Canadian Reality TV Moments Of 2014: ‘Big Brother Canada,’ ‘The Amazing Race Canada’ And More

From Joanna Adams:

Canadians are hungry for reality TV, apparently. In fact, their appetite is pretty ravenous.

For the second year in a row, “The Amazing Race Canada” is the most-watched Canadian TV show in the country. Its sophomore season went international, scored an average rating of 2.8 million weekly viewers for CTV, and casting for its new edition is under way. Meanwhile, “Big Brother Canada 2” was such a big smash for Slice, its next installment will go prime time (for the first time) on sister station Global in 2015. Continue reading.


Review: Fracking and fractured relationships on Blackstone

And just like that, Blackstone‘s Debbie Fraser is no more. In the final seconds of last week’s episode, Debbie drove into the path of a tractor trailer while on the phone with Alan, leaving a cliffhanger regarding her health.

“Discovery” by Damon Vignale opened with Andy sitting silently in prison, clearly numb at the news and unable to do anything before heading to Deb’s memorial, where Alan was getting hammered in a vain attempt to block out the pain. He has a lot to feel pained about: he’d shown nothing but contempt and hatred for Deb and he was the reason she was behind the wheel in the first place. Alan coming unglued on the Shale executives was an exercise in uncomfortableness.

With just one more episode to go in this fourth season, storylines were quickly wrapping up. Gail began her journey of healing with help from Dr. Crowshoe, who explained that Gail needed to grieve the death of those she loves as well as own up to the mistakes she’s made. She did just that, first saying sorry to Greg and then confessing to Leona that her relapse was her own fault and not something that Leona should be beating herself up for.

Things were looking very, very dire for Jumbo. He’d managed to elude Jack’s thugs for a bit, but they finally caught up with him and said he had just hours to pay back the cash he owed. After a lot of grousing, Daryl came through and paid Jack the money Jumbo owed. I’ve really enjoyed Daryl’s storyline this season. Aside from his growing relationship with Gina, he’s kept the club running smoothly and has very much been a father figure to Alan while Andy’s been in the clink. Speaking of the clink, did anyone else find the timing just a little too good in that the Shale folks came sniffing around Daryl and Andy’s land at the exact same time Andy’s bail needed to be posted? I’m sure it was all part of advancing the story, but it was just a little too smooth for me.

Next week’s Blackstone season finale episode is called “There Will be Blood,” and I can’t help but feel dread. After all, Darrien just escaped from prison and is hitching his way back to Blackstone. What will he do when he gets there? I’m not sure, but I’m betting he’s not planning on letting the past slide when it comes to Gail.

Blackstone airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET on APTN.
