TV, eh? | What's up in Canadian television | Page 1105
TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

Link: Customized guns and crushing two-handers – an interview with the cast of Killjoys


Customized guns and crushing two-handers: an interview with the cast of ‘Killjoys’
The roles of Johnny, Dutch and D’avin are respectively played by Aaron Ashmore, Hannah John-Kamen and Luke Macfarlane. The group has an incredibly positive vibe resonating from them. It could be residual energy left over from all the previous questions that they’ve had to answer all day, but I prefer to think that this is the normal energy level for this dynamic cast. After all, there was very little hesitation in answering the questions – almost like they had their characters’ responses prepared and ready. Continue reading.


Link: Why the Kids in the Hall today are better than ever

From Allison Johnelle Boron of

Why the Kids in the Hall today are better than ever
In the late ’90s when I finally convinced my mom I was too old for a babysitter, she left me home with my best friend, the television. In those days, daytime TV was broken down into two major categories: trashy talk shows and reruns. These were the glory days of Jerry Springer and Ricki Lake (the eternal paternity-tester Maury Povich was actually the more innocuous of the bunch), so my interest quickly waned. Continue reading.
