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Tonight: Meet the Family, W5

Meet the Family, City – “Dead, Bath and Beyond”
Ryan is meeting his girlfriend Sara’s family for the first time – only he has no clue that the house is full of hidden cameras or that her “family” are actually actors, determined to give him a hard time. Brother Chris is in agony after he falls off the roof; sister Hannah’s feelings are hurt… or maybe that’s just the dart in her leg; Mom wants to leave Dad for her secret lover but can’t, because Dad just announced that he’s dying and needs help digging his grave.

W5, CTV – “Suicide Watch” and “The Ebola Plague”
W5 Co-Host and Correspondent Kevin Newman delivers “SUICIDE WATCH”, the first national investigation into mistakes largely hidden from the public, uncovering statistics kept secret by hospitals and government, until now. W5 spent months collecting statistics from every province, using dozens of freedom of information requests to identify the number of suicidal patients who took their own lives during the past 10 years while in care at a Canadian hospital. W5 Correspondent Tom Kennedy reports the second story in the premiere episode, “THE EBOLA PLAGUE.” Kennedy tracks the rapidly spreading and deadly Ebola virus in West Africa, which has now infected thousands in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Nigeria, with an estimated 50% death rate. With governments and health agencies desperately seeking to stop the epidemic, W5 looks at the work being done by Canadians to fight the disease and investigates what would happen if the Ebola outbreak spreads to Canada.


Video: Corner Gas: The Movie teaser trailer

Corner Gas: The Movie will roll out as a multi-platform event beginning with an exclusive Cineplex Front Row Centre Events theatrical debut across Canada, December 3 to 7, 2014, it was announced today. The theatrical premiere will feature in-theatre cast appearances across the country, a CORNER GAS Tweet Up, giveaways and a special pre-event show including a special message from Brent Butt, CORNER GAS trivia, and excerpts from the Canada-wide CORNER GAS Sing-a-long.

Check out the just-released teaser trailer:


Canada’s Worst Driver returns for Season 10


From a media release:

With aluminum and tin as the traditional 10th Anniversary gifts, heaps of twisted automotive metal isn’t far off the mark! Celebrating a decade, CANADA’S WORST DRIVER returns to Discovery for Season 10, premiering Monday, October 27 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. With more than 7,000 worst driver nominations, 64 horrific drivers, 198 challenges, 50 seriously wrecked cars — and just one really brave host, Andrew Younghusband – the past nine seasons have tackled the hazards of winter driving, adapted high-performance tips from the racetrack, and manouvered through big city gridlock. And now, for Season 10, CANADA’S WORST DRIVER contends with the most rampant challenge on the roads today: Distracted driving.

As Discovery’s most successful program ever, Season 10 has the potential to change bad behaviours behind the wheel of eight new participants – and indeed the driving habits of viewers across Canada. Season 9 reached 9.8 million Canadians (2+) and increased its audience by 12% over Season 8. And since it launched in 2005, Canadians have consumed over 123 million hours of CANADA’S WORST DRIVER – that’s more than 3.5 entire episodes on average for every man, woman and child (P2+) in the country!

To the relief of drivers and pedestrians across Canada, series host and writer Andrew Younghusband has hauled eight disastrous drivers off the road and safely sequestered them at the now-familiar Driver Rehabilitation Centre. CANADA’S WORST DRIVER follows the drivers, each nominated by a friend or family member, as they are put through their paces in a controlled driving environment and evaluated by a panel of driving experts. Each episode features the tried-and-tested challenges viewers have come to love, each designed to push the drivers to their limits and teach them crucial safe driving skills – all with an eye to eliminate driver distraction. Each driver must master basic training and more advanced techniques before graduating from Rehab. Week by week, the most improved driver will claim their keys, leave Rehab, and merge back into the driving lane until only one driver – the worst – is left standing.


Corner Gas film release dates announced


From a media release:

Corner Gas: The Movie will roll out as a multi-platform event beginning with an exclusive Cineplex Front Row Centre Events theatrical debut across Canada, December 3 to 7, 2014, it was announced today.

The theatrical premiere will feature in-theatre cast appearances across the country, a CORNER GAS Tweet Up, giveaways and a special pre-event show including a special message from Brent Butt, CORNER GAS trivia, and excerpts from the Canada-wide CORNER GAS Sing-a-long. Fans are encouraged to show off their hometown’s CORNER GAS pride. Beginning today fans can visit cornergasthemovie.com and Light Up the Map of Canada. By casting their vote online, fans have the opportunity to bring Corner Gas: The Movie to their hometown theatre.

Immediately following its theatrical release, the 90-minute feature will make its network broadcast debut in December on CTV and CTV GO, following a special preview for The Movie Network and TMN GO subscribers. The movie will also air on The Comedy Network in December (all broadcast dates to be announced), complemented by a special collector’s edition DVD available for purchase before the holidays. 

Headlined by creator and comedian Brent Butt, Corner Gas: The Movie stars the original award-winning ensemble cast including Gabrielle Miller, Eric Peterson, Fred Ewanuick, Janet Wright, Lorne Cardinal, Tara Spencer-Nairn, and Nancy Robertson. Written by Brent Butt, Andrew Carr, and Andrew Wreggitt, and directed by David Storey, who served as key director on the series, the movie was shot in Saskatchewan from June 22 to July 22, 2014.

It’s been five years, and there’s still not a lot going on 40 kilometers from nowhere. But that’s all about to change as the fine folks of Dog River, Saskatchewan, face their biggest crisis ever. Brent and the gang discover that the town’s been badly mismanaged, leaving residents with little choice but to pack up and leave. As residents make one last rally to save Dog River as they know it, they discover a devious plan by a corporate giant that would change life for Dog Riverites forever.
