Everything about Rookie Blue, eh?

Link: GLAAD report recognizes Lost Girl, Rookie Blue, Degrassi, Orphan Black

From (US-based) GLAAD:

GLAAD’s Where We Are On TV
Following a decline last year, GLAAD has found an increase in the percentage of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) characters anticipated to appear on scripted primetime broadcast television in the coming year. The annual Where We Are on TV report forecasts the expected presence of LGBT characters for the upcoming 2014-2015 television season. Continue reading.


Link: Rookie Blue’s Noam Jenkins on Traci and Jerry

From Eleni Armenakis of The TV Junkies:

More pining for Rookie Blue
“For American viewers, Canadian import Rookie Blue just wrapped up the explosive first half of Season 5, while Canadians have been reeling from the cliffhanger revelation for a couple of weeks now. But lost in the fuzz of that ultrasound is a number of other relationships in turmoil as Dov and Chloe ended up on the outs while Gail and Holly seemed to be moving in opposite directions.” Continue reading.


Link: Post-finale chat with Rookie Blue’s Tassie Cameron


From Amber Dowling of The TV Junkies:

What’s next after Rookie Blue finale bombs?
“There was more than enough beat-boxing to go around on Wednesday night’s Rookie Blue finale, but we’re feeling a little bit like it was our hearts that were in a brawl after those cliffhanger endings. Holly’s taking a job in San Francisco? Dov can’t forgive Chloe? Marlo is pregnant?! It was so much to handle that we knew we had to turn to Rookie Blue showrunner Tassie Cameron for answers. Here she explains ultrasounds, the lack of Golly time in Season 5, Nick’s new romance and more. Bombs away!” Continue reading.
