Everything about Killjoys, eh?

Preview: Killjoys welcomes its newest member of the family

Are you ready to meet Delle Seyah and D’avin’s baby, Killjoys fans? Of course, we already got a glimpse of the little tyke at the end of last week’s episode. But this Friday we get to know him a little bit better thanks to a fantastic—and very sci-fi (and daytime TV)—twist.

Here’s what Space has revealed with regard to a synopsis for “Greening Pains,” written by showrunner Adam Barken and directed by Stefan Pleszczynski:

A necessary detour to a familiar space station of sin and black-market goods is totally buzzkilled by D’avin’s newborn son. Especially when the wee tyke is aging so rapidly he’s at risk of dying of old age if the team can’t find help amongst the den of criminals they’ve made port in. Added to which, Dutch is still grappling with what happened to her in greenspace, and the Lady’s infection of one of the team is finally revealed …

And here are more spoiler-free details after watching a screener.

Welcome to the family Jaeden Noel!
He’s appeared on such shows as The Expanse, Rogue, Murdoch Mysteries and Odd Squad; now Jaeden Noel checks in as Delle Seyah and D’av’s not-so-little one. The team’s first reaction to his initial growth spurt is classic Killjoys. Look for my interview with Jaeden on the website after Friday’s broadcast.

Delle Seyah isn’t Hullen anymore. That’s good, right?
Depends on who you ask, I guess. I have a feeling the lady herself is going to feel the loss as we advance later into the season. For now, she’s kind of got her hands full.

Fancy returns
An integral member of Team Awesome Force, it’s always good news when Sean Baek grabs some screen time as Fancy. Even better news? Fancy teams up with Gared.

Letterkenny‘s Evan Stern guest-stars
Evan Stern swaps Roald’s Letterkenny overalls for unique facial hair and a memorable scene with Atticus Mitchell’s Pippin. Also memorable? The place Pippin, D’avin, Dutch and Johnny go where Stern’s character is introduced. I was visiting the set that day, and it’s gorgeous.

I never get tired of the Killjoys theme music
It’s simple, rockin’ and has the most memorable singalong since “Hey Jude.”

Killjoys airs Fridays at 10 p.m. ET on Space.

Images courtesy of Bell Media.


Links: Killjoys, “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”

From Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies:

Link: Killjoys: Nikolijne Troubetzkoy talks “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”
“It’s funny because when I was writing this episode, what I was most worried about was not having too much story, but too little. Killjoys is a high-stakes action-oriented show and this episode is set almost entirely in Lucy without any external antagonists. With the exception of the flashbacks, it’s powered entirely by the drama of what’s going on inside the ship. I just wasn’t convinced that this would give us the stakes we needed. Surely we needed a little sprinkle of something else – space pirates, saboteurs, chocolate syrup? Boy, was I ever wrong!” Continue reading.

Link: Nikolijne Troubetzkoy talks Killjoys Season 4
“When planning out a whole season, you think that your revelations are going to come very slowly, and inevitably, once you end up breaking the episodes, you pull things forward and add more at the end. It was a very last-minute decision to pull up that reveal and that’s what makes that episode amazing.” Continue reading.



Killjoys: Hannah John-Kamen and Luke Macfarlane look forward to Seasons 4 and 5

All hail Team Awesome Force.

Sure, there has been a lot of drama so far on this season on Killjoys, what with Hullen Johnny, Dutch and Aneela in the Green and a baby on the way for D’avin. But there’s also been a lot of fun too. A lot of swagger. I think a lot of that comes from a cast, writers, showrunner and crew who all get what they’re doing and are having a blast doing it.

With that in mind, here are our interviews with Hannah John-Kamen and Luke Macfarlane, conducted during a set visit earlier this year.

Hannah John-Kamen
I’ve already asked a couple of people about this. Obviously, as an actor, it’s good to know that you’ve got a couple of seasons still to go. Why is it important to you to be able to close this out?
Hannah John-Kamen: It’s a real soothing feeling, to be honest, just to know that we can close it out and we can do it properly. We know the time that we can do it in. There’s the story of the Killjoys and of Dutch, also introducing Aneela last season. Knowing that we’ve got two seasons to continue and know when it ends means that we can have a hell of an ending.

As one of the three main characters or actors on the show, you were doing heavy lifting anyway. Then you had another character for you to play. Was it a daunting feeling in the beginning? Is it still daunting?
HJK: No. Actually, to be honest with you I embraced her with open arms. It was just like, ‘OK. This is exciting.’ ‘Cause it’s just the creating of a character is the fun part. That’s the real fun part. I remember doing that with Dutch and figuring out who she is. Then introducing this new character which I suppose is a villainous character, but actually, she’s not and is actually finding when you play a villain, you actually play yourself like you’re the good guy. That was really fun to do, and I absolutely adored that. It was amazing to have such a juxtaposition of Dutch and to find her. That was fun creating.

How do you tap into Aneela?
HJK: It was amazing to see with the writers and actually figure out, what is her backstory? It’s all Khlyen. It’s all linked in with Khlyen. As Dutch, as an actor, Hannah working with Rob Stewart as Dutch and having that history with Khlyen it was amazing to use that history with Khlyen and create this one with Aneela which actually goes back way, way, way further and actually is more damaged.

Near the end of that season where we just found her backstory, and she’s just such a damaged individual. You had to feel bad for her. She’d been propped on this pedestal as being this villain and it was Khlyen all along.
HJK: It was Khlyen. Also, it wasn’t her fault. She didn’t ask to be that. Also what’s amazing is what Michelle [Lovretta] does which is amazing is, there’s no such thing as good and bad. Actually at some point, what was so fun was it flipped. You’re kind of going, ‘Dutch, you’re the bad guy and Aneela is the good guy.’ It was amazing to have that flip of the two characters and that, as an audience to go, ‘Oh god, I’m feeling confused. I’m feeling conflicted here.’

Obviously, you can’t give too much away but what’s the elevator pitch for Season 4?
HJK: Well, now we know that there’s a bigger force than the both of them. We’re gonna definitely, definitely try and destroy the greater evil.

Luke Macfarlane
What does it mean for you as an actor to have two seasons to wrap this up, aside from getting to know you got a gig for job stability?
Luke Macfarlane: Twenty episodes, yeah. Well, especially in this genre you are constantly making these really intricate things and you kind of hope it all goes somewhere. It feels like there’s satisfaction to the conclusion. What does it really mean to me? I mean, you always wonder about these characters. You wonder where they go off to in your mind so I think, I’m hoping there’s some sort of peace and rest for that because like I said, I’ve never been able to do that with a character on a television show. I imagine it’ll be sort of like a beautiful funeral. I don’t know if I’m going to die or not.

Even if you die in genre you can still come back. You never know what’s going to happen.
LM: This is true. As we found out in this show specifically.

D’avin is going to be a father. That must’ve messed with your mind a little bit when you read the script in Season 3 that that was going to happen.
LM: Totally, absolutely. It’s an amazing thing too where you just have to, the given circumstances are you are a dad now and we do this amazing sci-fi thing. He’s become somebody different as it’s gone on. I think he had the most to shuck off and he’s in a way having run away from a family, the guy who’s now building his own family. So it’s really interesting, really connecting with this part of the storyline for him. And hopefully, that will carry on to Season 5.

This character has grown because in Season 1, Episode 1 when we first met him it was almost immediately a pissing contest with Johnny. There’s just an ease between these characters now. It’s so much fun to just sit back and watch their adventures and not worry about squabbling between them.
LM: Totally. There’s always little disagreements and stuff but we’ve moved beyond squabbling for sure. I also think what’s interesting about the show is we’re so used to these kinds of tropes in television like two guys fight over the girl. We’re kind of past those tropes. So as an actor it’s funny to have to reinvent what we are. It’s a little bit more complicated than just your typical two brothers who like the girl and want the girl. So it always keeps you on your toes a little bit.

Killjoys airs Fridays at 10 p.m. ET on Space.

Images courtesy of Bell Media.


Links: Killjoys, “Bro-d Trip”

From Heather M. of TV Goodness:

Link: Breaking down Killjoys’ “Bro-d Trip” with writer Julian Doucet
“The geography was, ‘They’re there, they’re there, and she’s there. How do we get the band back together and cover all these distances and find a story that can bring them all together?’” Continue reading.

From Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies:

Link: Killjoys: Julian Doucet talks “Bro-d Trip”
“It was such a salty treat to dial Johnny’s supernova charm to wicked, because it’s a very special actor who can flirt with fratricide and the audience still roots for him. Aaron Ashmore is our secret weapon. He wins all the acting Olympics.” Continue reading. 
