Everything about InSecurity, eh?

InSecurity = Naked Gun + 007

From Denette Wilford of TV Guide Canada:

  • ‘InSecurity’ measures up
    As I laughed and laughed (to the point of tears), my co-workers were curious about all the commotion (OK, that’s putting it mildly; it was more like, “What the hell’s going on over there?”). I sputtered that I was watching CBC’s latest comedy endeavour, confidently stating that the network was going to have a hit on its hand. Read more.

InSecurity uncertainly satirizes TV

From Jaime Weinman of Maclean’s:

  • TV Satirizing TV
    It’s hard to know, as yet, what to make of the show: what I’ve seen of it feels too uncertain in tone to be really funny — like a lot of shows, it doesn’t quite know if it wants to go for a big broad cartoonish style a la 30 Rock (the lead character seems, and is intended to be, a bit like Liz Lemon) or something more deadpan. Read more.

InSecurity’s cast beats the writing

From Raju Mudhar of the Toronto Star:

  • CBC’s new spy comedy has likeable cast, weak script
    The show starts off by doing something quite improbable — making Ottawa look cosmopolitan with gorgeous aerial shots of the downtown core (although, in a good bit of spy fakery, the series was mostly shot in Regina). Unfortunately things do not proceed as auspiciously from there, but there are some fun elements that can be built upon. Read more.

Natalie Lisinska of InSecurity

From Annette Bourdeau of TV Squad:

  • Natalie Lisinska on ‘InSecurity’ and Revamping the Genre
    Ever notice that procedural dramas like ‘CSI’ can be, well, kinda goofy at times? The producers of the CBC show ‘InSecurity’ certainly did, and figured it was time to parody the hugely popular genre. The new half-hour action/comedy series follows a team of incompetent national security agents who somehow manage to gather intelligence and bust up bad guys in spite of their total lack of skills. Read more.

From Michael D. Reid of the Victoria Times Colonist:
