Everything about Industry News, eh?

Interview with TV producer Al Magee

Will Dixon at Uninflected Images Juxtaposed interviews the prolific and respected producer/creative consultant involved with The Smart Woman Survival Guide, Trailer Park Boys, Slings and Arrows, Rent a Goalie and many more:

  • Me and Al(ly) Magee Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI
    “Can we get a one hour series that takes off the way our half hours like Corner Gas and Little Mosque can? Maybe, and maybe if the one-hours follow a similar route as the half hour hits – authentically Canadian, not pretending or aspiring to a US primetime aesthetic, and giving the audience something accessible that is not available on a network simulcast.”

In the news: Festival yields deals

Sean Davidson of Playback reports on the deals made at the 2007 Banff World Television Festival:

  • Pitches pay off at Banff
    “The 28th Banff festival drew some 1,450 attendees, according to organizers, and shepherded a number of other deals, including a signing for the 13 x 30 teen sitcom Less Than Kind, from Breakthrough Films and Television and Buffalo Gal Pictures for CHUM. Breakthrough and Silver Tip Pictures also agreed to shoot a pilot, Easton Meets West, for CBC. Other deals announced at the closing of the festival include the 13 x 30 World’s Greenest Homes for HGTV Canada and the U.K.’s Discovery Green Planet from Cineflix Productions. HGTV also ordered a pilot for The Stagers from Vancouver’s Paperny Films.”