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Vamping it up: sink your teeth into a new season of My Babysitter’s a Vampire

By Chris Lackner

They could have called the show Sarah the Vampire Vampire Slayer.

Most vampires are content with easy-target human prey – they don’t go hunting their own. Most teens have their hands full just battling homework and raging hormones — they don’t have to contend with bloodlust too.

But Sarah Fox is no ordinary high school girl – and no ordinary vampire either. Played by Ottawa-born actress Vanessa Morgan, Sarah is the fledgling vampire at the heart of the series My Babysitter’s A Vampire.

A safe horror vehicle for younger audiences, the show goes for laughs more often than it goes for the jugular. But Sarah and her monster-fighting pals Ethan (Matthew Knight) and Benny (Atticus Mitchell) will have their hands full in Season 2 of the series, which recently premiered in Canada. New episodes air Thursdays on Teletoon at 7:30 p.m.

“Since Sarah is transformed into a full vampire now, she’s dealing with a lot of emotions and all this strength that she never had before,” Morgan says recently of the new season. “When you become a vampire, your strength accelerates a lot – so she’s dealing with even more cravings than before . . . but she’s trying to be a little more fun this season . . . I think I’m realizing this is who I am and I’m not changing – there is no cure for now.”

Clad in a summer dress, her pint-sized puppy Yoshi on her shoulder, the 20-year-old Morgan basks in the sun on a downtown Toronto patio. She doesn’t look like the newborn creature of the night she plays on TV. But she shares a sassy edge and tough-as-nails attitude with her vampire alter ego.

Sexual tension being a prerequisite for any good vampire yarn, Morgan lets on that Ethan and Sarah’s relationship will evolve this season.

“This season their relationship definitely escalates,” she says. “They become closer. I think feelings are going to be shown a little bit more and it’s . . . going to progress into something more than just friends.”

In the TV movie that inspired the series, Sarah was hired to babysit Ethan’s sister because his parents didn’t trust him. While every boy has had a crush on a babysitter, few are lucky enough to have those feelings returned. Of course, there is that whole “vampire thing” complicating their budding romance.

Atticus Mitchell, who plays spell-caster Benny Weir, is also on hand to offer his two cents. Beyond Sarah contending with her powers, he says the prime threat this season is a secret, “big bad” evil at work in the town – the source of all things that go bump in the night. Symptoms of this ultimate foe’s presence will manifest themselves slowly – including some serious trouble with a Mummy — before the ultimate reveal.

“Episode by episode the threat level we’ve seen gets worse and worse,” Mitchell says. “Things keep getting more and more dangerous and we finally realize that maybe something bigger is at work here.”

“But nobody is a match for Sarah Fox,” Morgan chimes in with a cocky smile. “Sarah is always the hero.”

Morgan’s character as a family-friendly combination of Buffy and Blade, the half-vampire hunter of the undead portrayed by Wesley Snipes in the film series and comic book. But she has more in common with the latter.

“It’s kind of like I’m against my own race,” she says. “I think it’s because I was turned into one against my will so I want to stop them – I don’t want anyone to go through what I went through. But it’s cool that I have the strength to fight them.”

The crew’s greatest weapon is their wit – not their wooden stakes or magical spells.

“(The humour is) the biggest draw of the show,” Mitchell says. “You have the horror factor, you have the action factor – but the comedy is the tie that brings in together.”

Morgan said she pretty much handled her own stunts this season. “There wasn’t anything too hard that I couldn’t handle.”

She’s asked whether she could punch out anyone – in real life or fiction? “Yeah, in both situations,” she says deadpan, with only the hint of smile.

But not every threat can be countered with a punch. This season, the team must also contend with a notorious Vampire Council intent on meddling in their affairs.

“We have this weird, uneasy relationship with them – kind of this love/hate relationship,” Mitchell explains. “Sometimes they’re like ‘hey, you guys are swell’ and other times it’s like ‘we want to eat you.’”

Morgan realizes her show is part of a wider vampire craze in pop culture – from Twilight to True Blood (she’s a fan). So what’s with society’s overall fascination with vamps?

“They’re usually pretty good looking . . . they don’t age . . .they have fun parties . . . ” she suggests.

Much like his character in the show, Mitchell interrupts with a well-timed joke. “They have sharp teeth, so they can eat well.”

But underneath our love-in with the undead are some genuine fears. Morgan herself says she has experienced the supernatural firsthand.

“People obviously think I’m crazy, but I’ve seen ghosts before. Several times… Once in my house in California, there was a little boy standing at the end of the bed, and me and my sister saw him and we ran into the other room screaming.

“In my house in Canada, I’ve seen three ghosts . . .. some people obviously think it’s crazy or you’re having a dream, but you know when you’re not dreaming?”

As for Mitchell, the most he’s experienced is a “haunted vacuum cleaner” that turns on by itself: “There is something in there. I swear to God.”

What about vamps? Could they be real. “Sure – why not?” Morgan says — a little too quickly perhaps?

“I’m pretty sure something that could be defined as a vampire has lived,” Mitchell says. “Look at Vlad the Impaler, cannibalism, people bathing in blood.”

The spookiest thing about Season 2 of My Babysitter’s a Vampire?

“My evil side might come out which might be the scariest thing,” Morgan says. But will that dark side be more the fictional Sarah or the real-life Vanessa?

“It’s a combination,” she says with a mischievous smile

“I don’t even know who I am talking to right now,” Mitchell jokes. “She could leap across this table right now and tear my throat out.”

Chris Lackner is a writer and media consultant with Holmes Creative Communications. His work as a journalist has appeared in the Globe and Mail, National Post and Montreal Gazette.


Vancouver Film School offers $2500 screenwriting scholarship

The Vancouver Film School is offering the $2500 Kat Montagu Screenwriting Scholarship to a new student in the Writing for Film & Television program. The 2013 scholarship is open to all incoming students registered in the Writing for Film & Television Class 42 (starting January 2, 2013), provided they have not previously taken any professional program at Vancouver Film School, have an undergraduate or graduate degree, and can provide a reference letter and one page of script. The deadline to apply for the Kat Montagu Scholarship is 16:30 PDT October 15, 2012. Download the application form or speak to an advisor today to learn more.


TV, eh? Rewind: SportsDesk

From Dexter Brown:

Get out your hockey sticks and baseball bats — this week Rewind looks at SportsDesk.

Taking the form of a more traditional newscast when compared to the noisy and flashy successor SportsCentre, SportsDesk (TSN, 1984-2001) was the sport network’s flagship broadcast.

SportsDesk‘s intro, opening music and graphics were more lively when compared to network newscasts from the same era and often felt remarkably true to the time when each were put into place.

However, when SportsDesk tackled stories like the loss of the Winnipeg Jets for example it could get dull, dreadfully dull. Choosing to fill a few minutes with meaningless sound bites then going to some banter between the hosts and a more traditional story of getting reaction of the news from two or so people in a crusty looking bar, it felt squarely aimed at the die-hard sports fan who could tolerate anything as long as it dealt in some way or another with sports.

TSN did try to jazz up its reports by adding some cheesy background music but that didn’t really do much to help.

As with SportsCentre and many other sports news shows, during a typical episode of SportsDesk you had to sit through some mindless jibberjabber from athletes. The sound bites that make it onto the air often have them sounding like airheads, talking about winning and team effort and what not.

By the late 90s SportsDesk released a series of humorous commercials and the light-heartedness of the successor show, SportsCentre began to take hold.

With the advent of tickers on cable news and the excessive bombardment with random boxes of information like Toronto’s cable news network CP24, TSN has since developed a complex ticker that airs at the bottom of the screen during its current flagship sports news broadcast, dubbed the Bottom Line.

As SportsDesk evolved into SportsCentre it represented quite a shift in philosophy in Canadian television that it too should mimic the glitz of American television, down to the loud music, the obnoxious and nonsensical graphics, the in your-face-TV personalities, and even further down to being rather shallow and losing focus of what it was set out to do in the first place.

Today, SportsCentre‘s signature seems to be its dash of humour thrown into virtually every episode such as playing out the suspense of revealing where SportsCentre would be broadcasting from on the road by pulling out a piece of paper revealing the location out of an envelope reading “Top Secret” written in marker or having a segment filmed in a zoo. Sometimes snark is hidden in a recap of the day’s sporting events, but with the show going by at lightning speed, it’s easy to miss.

While SportsDesk might be off the air, you could catch its successor SportsCentre daily on TSN and TSN2 and Saturday mornings on CTV.


Shaftesbury’s Christina Jennings on protecting the creative vision

Christina Jennings, Chairman and CEO of Shaftesbury, founded the company in 1987 and has led its emergence as one of Canada’s leading production companies (who also give great prizes to a certain website’s charity auction). Shaftesbury series include Murdoch Mysteries, The Listener and Good God. She spoke with me a couple of months ago about her company, career, the job of a creative producer, and the rescue of Murdoch Mysteries.

Shaftesbury has a very diverse lineup – how do you choose what projects to pursue?

It always comes down to passion. Life is too short. It takes an awful lot of time from a lot of people in our company to get a project realized so you really have to love it and be prepared to stick with it. It isn’t easy. It’s getting more challenging. So whether it’s a kids project or one hour series or half hour comedy or a digital property or even a factual show, it’s got to resonate with us. Do I have to love everything as the head of the company? Probably not, but I do. I know everything we acquire and why we’re acquiring it. It’s got to be passion.

The other thing we tell creators and writer is that even if we love your project, we don’t want to take it on if ultimately we don’t think we can help them get it made, again getting to “life is too short.” I can think of all sorts of examples that we just loved but when we sat down we said to ourselves we’re not going to be able to get this thing made right now in this current climate, with these broadcasters, or with the current package. So we are selective and that’s our process.

Has your business model changed given the changing TV landscape? Does something like Totally Amped signal a new area for Shaftesbury?

There’s no question and I say it every single day: I am having to train myself and we as a team are having to train ourselves into approaching content as content and being somewhat platform agnostic. Totally Amped and State of Syn are two examples. They started life as completely independent. One is going out through iTunes and now online through various broadcasters around the world. It’s a whole different way of looking at it.

Now people bring us a project and we do all our steps of: do we like the project, do we like the team who’s involved with the project, do we think we can actually get the show made. And then we say to ourselves, where’s the best place to deploy this project? Six months to a year ago, projects would come in here and we’d say which broadcaster do we sell this to? Which broadcaster in Canada, and the States, and Europe? We don’t do that anymore. We ask ourselves where could we launch this perhaps faster, where could we incubate a project where yes, it’s a smaller budget, but we get to try something out. That’s how we’re approaching things now. That’s not to say that a huge part of our business isn’t projects that we acquire for television, because that is the core of our business.

How has the co-production model helped with getting projects made? Do you see a downside?

We’ve probably been doing co-productions right back from our feature days and moved right into TV co-productions, so it’s probably 20 years we’ve been doing them. If I look at Murdoch Mysteries, while that’s not a treaty coproduction it is a broadcaster co-production. We sure couldn’t make Murdoch Mysteries without those UK partners. The plus side there is that those partners are able to help us get the show made in Canada.

If I think about shows that the British have brought us, years ago we did Diverted, about the planes on September 11 that were diverted from New York and the story of how many people ended up in Gander, Newfoundland. Well, that started out originally as a British project, if you can believe it. A British writer, Tony Marchant, heard the story on British radio and wrote a script, and in the end we got involved and it became a very Canadian production.

You look at each one differently, and I think if there’s a downside it’s that there are only so many time slots for any of our programming across whatever genre. In primetime there are only so many hour long time slots, for kids’ shows there are only so many. You have to be mindful of the fact that if a minority Canadian coproduction is sitting in one of those coveted slots, that means that that’s gone for a Canadian show to come along. The only downside is it makes a bit more competition.

Murdoch Mysteries being rescued by CBC after its Citytv cancellation was one of the good-news stories last season. How did that deal come together?

Kirstine Stewart (head of CBC TV’s English programming). I know Kirstine and she heard the news and she reached out immediately. She knew the show and she knew it worked for her audience, the CBC audience. We are so thrilled with what Citytv did after all those years, and 5 years is a really long run for anybody, but we believed, and CBC did too, that there’s’ a lot of life left in Murdoch. There are a lot more stories to be told. What’s going to be quite exciting when Murdoch does go on the air on CBC is the fact that it will be a national Canadian audience that will get to see Murdoch. Citytv was limited in terms of audience. We did terrific numbers for them, but we were limited in that they’re not a national broadcaster. So we’re pretty excited by that, that people in Canada who’ve not seen Murdoch before might actually finally get to see it.

It does seem odd that when it had good ratings it was cancelled anyway. Do you think it says something about where a Canadian show fits on a Canadian broadcaster?

No, I don’t, I really do think projects have their time and when it launched on City it was never the perfect fit. Every network has a brand, every network has a demo it’s going after, and Murdoch didn’t quite fit. But you know what, City had great numbers, it was doing quite well for them, but at a certain point you have a brand. It was a great five-year run, it was its time to leave City for all sorts of reasons, and now it moves to this different, more national platform on the public broadcaster. I look at their fall lineup and Murdoch fits very nicely. I give Kirstine that credit for reaching out.

When developing a project, what is your role as producer in the creative process? How do you work with writers to create a series, and then throughout a series?

I am a businesswoman running this company but I am also a creative producer. That’s how I started and that’s still what drives me. But I do believe that it is crucial to let the creators have their voice. A creative project is a very delicate thing. There are a lot of voices in our business. There’s the producing voices, broadcasting voice, the partners that are involved have opinions, sometimes you have foreign sales people that have opinions, and in the centre there’s this writer, the creator, holding onto the vision. I very much see our job as trying to help the writer do their best, support their vision.

How we work with an experienced showrunner might be different from how we work with a newcomer who might be looking to us creatively to provide guidance in terms of how do you construct a long running series, how do you answer to network notes. Part of that is just experience. So how we as a company deal with the creators depends on the project. We could all do a fantastic job producing and directing but at the end of the day it really is about that vision and that voice. Once you get it right you can, like Murdoch, have a series go into its 6th season because we found that voice and had that vision. It’s a delicate industry we have in terms of shaping the creative.

How did you get your start as a producer?

I grew up in a very creative family. My father was a writer – a journalist, not a television or film writer – and my brother is a journalist and all sorts of members of my family are writers, and my sister is in the music business. I grew up in a family where it was about being creative, it was not about growing up to be a lawyer. That’s what we lived and breathed. I started in different careers that weren’t necessarily creative but in one I owned a restaurant with some family members and started meeting film and television people and I go back to your first question: I fell in love with their passion. They had these dreams and they wanted to tell their story and it was so important and they were so passionate I just fell in love with that passion. I thought if I can bring my business skills and all of that to the table and work together – I got the extra benefit that it was a creative endeavour. In a way it ticked all the boxes personally.

What advice would you give for somebody who wants to be a producer?

One of the things I’ve realized about what I do is that it’s a multifaceted job. There’s the business aspect so you need to understand business, you need to know how to put the deal together and you need to understand various people’s positions in the financing of a show, so if one of your partners is looking to recoup their investment you have to figure out how to do that.

The amount of homework you have to do, it’s a tough business. You need to know if you have a project like who’s done anything like the project you’re trying to do before you, and have they succeeded or failed. Are there any projects like the one you’re talking about out there. Who’s doing what. You have to be constantly tapped in to your competitors. That’s your homework and you’ve got to do your homework.

It’s the ability to manage a disparate group of people. You’re dealing with writers, broadcasters, money people, you’ve got actors, you’ve got the international marketplace, there’s just a lot to manage. People skills are pretty high on the list of things you need in your bag of tricks.
