Everything about Featured, eh?

Adam Wylde leaves Breakfast Television Toronto

Breakfast Television Toronto is another member down. Less than a month after Kevin Frankish exited Citytv’s early morning program, Adam Wylde took to Twitter to announce Tuesday was his last day.

“Hey – kind’ve a big day,” he began. “Today’s show was my last on Kiss 92.5 and Breakfast Television. I want to thank KiSS management and staff in Toronto and in our syndicated markets across the country. What a great team. The best I have ever been on. I also have to say the same thing about everyone at Breakfast Television, who are just insanely fun and talented people. It has been an outstanding 5.5 years with Rogers Media.”

“This was a decision I made, with a lot of thought,” he continued. “And it wasn’t easy.” You can read his full statement below.

Friday, June 1, marked the last day of Kevin Frankish’s career at Breakfast Television. He had been at the helm of the flagship morning show since 1994 when he replaced David Onley.

Back in 2016, Jennifer Valentyne departed the program due to a programming change, followed by Tanya Kim last year.

Image courtesy of The Academy.


The Amazing Race Canada: Heroes Edition — Meet Nancy & Mellisa, Taylor & Courtney, Todd & Anna and Zainab & Monica

The Amazing Race‘s 10 teams have finally been revealed and we couldn’t be more excited. Not only is this season of the Race—returning Tuesday, July 3, at 8 p.m. ET/9 p.m. MT on CTV—being dubbed Heroes Edition because of the inspirational folks involved, but we actually got a chance to meet the teams before they began the Race. Not only that, but we were among a small group of Canadian media who observed a leg of the Race being run! More on that later; in the meantime, check out our interviews with the 10 teams competing this summer.

Nancy Csabay and Mellisa Hollingsworth
Occupations: Professional Barrel Racer/Horse Trainer (Nancy) and Olympian/Public Speaker/Realtor (Mellisa)

Who do you consider a hero?
Nancy: Someone who serves others. They think of other people before themselves. I believe everyone is a hero in their own right.

Mellisa: And somebody who inspires you through their story. If I talk about Nancy, there are so many people who can connect with Nancy and her story. That’s her fighting strength and what she’s gone through.

That’s what I like about The Amazing Race Canada. There is such positivity associated with the series.
Mellisa: When you watch it you are cheering for every single team. I get so emotionally invested in them and I feel what they’re feeling.

Any nervousness at this point?
Nancy: Just from our sports background, I look at nervousness a little different than others. For me, when I feel that in my stomach I look at it as excitement. How many of us get to do what I do? Specifically, in barrel racing, there is a small number of women who barrel race and how lucky am I?

Mellisa: And we both have that experience of knowing how to handle that emotion. I was taught at a very young age that nerves are good because it means you care.

As athletes, I would expect that gives you an advantage.
Nancy: Yeah, though, instead of comparing ourselves to others we’re just going to go and run our own race. We won’t worry what everyone else is doing. Instead of following someone who might not even know the way, we’re planning on staying calm and really reading the clue and making sure we know the task at hand.

Mellisa: We’re a bit of a social experiment too in our dynamic. We don’t know each other on an intimate level. We’re not siblings, we’re not spouses and we’re not best friends. We know each other professionally. But, while prepping, it’s been quite interesting. Our values and beliefs are aligning and that’s really interesting.

Any challenges you hope you don’t come across during the Race?
Nancy: Yeah, I’m not a big fan of snakes but Mellisa doesn’t mind handling them.

Mellisa: One of the things we’ve learned so far is to not focus on those phobias until we get to them. It’s the same in sport; whatever your weakness is, if you constantly give it attention and focus on it your world will revolve around it.

Taylor and Courtney Callens
Occupations: RCMP Officers

A quick question about being RCMP officers. Your bio indicates you’re the next generation of officers in your family. Did you always consider this career?
Courtney: I became a Mountie first just because I’m older. I finished university and then I applied and didn’t tell anybody. You write a test and then if you pass with a certain score you’re welcomed into the application process. My dad received my results in the mail and I told him to open it up. Thank god I passed, because how mortifying would it be if I didn’t?

Taylor: I’ve always wanted to do it. I went to school first, for criminology, and got my ducks in a row. I told everyone. I was the opposite. That was a lot of pressure because when you have three generations in front of you, plus your sister is now a member if you fail it’s devastating. But no family pressure.

Why will you be the last team standing in the season finale?
Taylor: We’re siblings. Some may look at that as a weakness, but in our dynamic … siblings fight. We’ve learned to make up and become friends again. We’ve gotten into fights for the last 25 years and we’re getting pretty good at bringing it back to Happyville.

Courtney: We’re so good at laughing it off.

Taylor: For other teams that aren’t related, that could cause a crack in their team. For us, we can seal that crack pretty quick and move on.

Is your plan to form any alliances or will you try to keep to yourselves?
Courtney: I’m not opposed to making friends.

Taylor: It’s not a closed door.

Courtney: But it’s not exactly wide open either.

Taylor: It would depend on the dynamics of the game. If it was a case where making allies on the show will help us or advance us, then yeah.

Can you be backstabby if you have to be?
Courtney: We can, but I’d prefer not to be. Being police officers, I hold us to a bit of a higher standard. And there is nothing like the conversation killer of, ‘I’m a cop.’

Todd Kirk and Anna Holtby
Occupations: Electrician (Todd) and Writer (Anna)

What did you do for your audition tape?
Todd: It was really last-minute. We filmed it in her apartment and then sent it in, like, 10 minutes before the deadline.

Anna: We were just ourselves. We bantered back and forth a little bit and then Todd shared his really amazing story.

Todd, tell me a bit about that story. Surviving cancer is a big milestone on its own, but you also endured bullying.
Todd: The message that I want to get across is anyone with cancer or a facial difference or anything like that … you can go out, express yourself and bring the message to Canada that you don’t have to be scared. I was scared and through friends, family and sports I gained confidence.

What gives you the edge against other teams?
Anna: I think it’s the balance we have as a team. Where he’s strong, I’m weak and where he’s weak, I’m strong. I’m not very good mechanically, but Todd can have something done in three minutes.

Todd: Anna is more book smarts and that’s definitely not me.

Anna: I’m detail-oriented and organized.

What have you done to prepare for the Race?
Anna: We’ve watched all the old seasons of the show and I took a book out of the library that is a children’s book all about Canada. I did tests of the provincial and territorial flags. And then we went to the gym for training.

Zainab Ansari and Monica Demain
Occupations: Navy Sailors, Royal Canadian Navy

What or who do you think of when you think ‘hero’?
Monica: I think of Zainab. I think of our moms. We both have single moms.

Zainab: I think of fellow Canadian Forces members. A hero can be anybody that you look up to that you want to emulate, to strive to be like and makes you feel good about yourself.

Why are you the team to beat?
Monica: We’re very skilled. We complement each other when it comes to skills. We don’t take no for an answer.

Zainab: Determination! The whole package. And I feel like, at first glance, we don’t come off as a strong team and we’re going to use that to our advantage. We’re not going to tell anyone what we do for a living.

Because you think that will put a target on your back?
Zainab: Completely.

Monica: Right now we look like sweet little girls, which we are. But we also came to attack. We came here to race, not make friends. Maybe outside of the Race, but not while we’re in it.

How did you prepare?
Zainab: We’re actually really lucky because I think it’s the same as preparing to be deployed. You don’t know where you’re going, but you know that you have to pack for a whole spectrum of conditions. Packing was a cinch, I think. And, also, we’re used to travelling around the world with the navy. We know how to deal with a lack of sleep, jetlag, stress.

Monica: We’ve been in those positions where someone is literally breathing down on you. The best way to work through that is to be calm or else you won’t be able to pay attention to detail.

The Amazing Race Canada: Heroes Edition airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/9 p.m. MT on CTV.

Images courtesy of Bell Media.


Comments and queries for the week of June 22

Oh my! My husband and I are so happy for Beccy [winning MasterChef Canada]. She worked so hard and stayed calm but showed grit and determination. I was so stressed I couldn’t watch it so waited till today to find out. Hopefully, we can taste her cooking in the near future. Way to go!! —Anne

Team Beccy, all the way. She was strong from the start and yet so shy. —Dale

I was extremely disappointed! Yes, Beccy is amazing for a 19-year-old but she did not deserve the win. How is it you can serve burnt, inconsistent food and still win? I too saw the writing on the wall for her win weeks ago during with the showdown with Eugene. I too will not watch again. It seems a popularity contest than a cooking show. —Susan

Great choice. Pretty amazing for a 19-year-old and she earned it. She worked for that win and it was not handed to her. Congrats to her. —Sandy

I was rooting for Beccy right from the first episode. She went about her business quietly and didn’t brag nor did she make any disparaging comments about her fellow competitors. You’ve nowhere to go but up, Beccy! Sincere best wishes for your future. —Judy

Becky: first one in her family to finish high school, never been in a fancy restaurant, had never seen most of the ingredients but so talented that I cannot understand any negative comments here. Andy was also a great cook but I agree 100 per cent with the judges that Becky is the winner! Congratulations Becky! —Zoka

Am very pleased that Beccy won you could see from the very first show that she was a gifted chef. —Sharon

I disagree with some of the comments made that Beccy’s win was predictable and that she was given more airtime. I thought Andy had more airtime than her. I believe it was neck in neck between Beccy and Andy until the very end. Beccy won because she had the slight edge over Andy due to her innovative cooking style and smartness. Congrats Beccy! I hope to taste your cooking one day!!! —Joseph

Most definitely agree Beccy was forecasted to win based on her story, age, and the airtime she was given. She kept her cool each week and appears to be born to cook. I liked Andy’s dishes better in the finale but know he will do well in his own restaurant without the added benefit of winning the title. Both were great competitors and exuded a lot of class. —Tunie

Way to go Beccy!! I loved watching how calm and confident you were in each challenge!! I was pretty confident that you would win. You have demonstrated that you will go places in this line of work!! —Cindy


Got a question or comment about Canadian TV? Email greg.david@tv-eh.com or via Twitter @tv_eh.


The Amazing Race Canada: Heroes Edition — Meet Martina & Phil, Joseph & Akash and Leanne & Mar

The Amazing Race‘s 10 teams have finally been revealed and we couldn’t be more excited. Not only is this season of the Race—returning Tuesday, July 3, at 8 p.m. ET/9 p.m. MT on CTV—being dubbed Heroes Edition because of the inspirational folks involved, but we actually got a chance to meet the teams before they began the Race. Not only that, but we were among a small group of Canadian media who observed a leg of the Race being run! More on that later; in the meantime, check out our interviews with the 10 teams competing this summer.

Martina and Phil Seo
Occupations: Volunteer/Home Economics Teacher (Martina) and Volunteer/Banking Manager (Phil)

Was either of you nervous about participating once you were nominated?
Phil: I’ve watched every single episode of The Amazing Race Canada and the U.S. version too, so it’s always been a dream. I’ve even planned Amazing Races at home for my birthday for my friends. They had to go kayaking out into the water into the middle of nowhere and then hike up a mountain, scarf down a Big Mac, chug a beer … all the things I love to do.

Some teams do a ton of research as they prepare for The Amazing Race Canada. Will that give you an advantage going into this? Are you the team to beat?
Martina: We’ve done the homework, have heart and passion and we know what we want. And we want to win it!

Martina, are you ready for the long hours? The lack of food? The lack of sleep?

Martina: I hope so! [Laughs.]

Phil: Her nickname is The Energizer Bunny. In an interview, this is cute and endearing. But growing up with this? She never turns off!

How do you deal with that? You’ll be spending the next several weeks together?
Phil: I just have to shake my head and accept that this is my sister and this is the way she was made. There is no changing her.

Do siblings have an advantage in the Race because you know each other so well and there won’t be hurt feelings?
Phil: We’ve known each other all our lives and even the last few days we’ve had heart-to-hearts that we’ve never had before. And we were reconciling stuff.

Martina: I think this time will be a gift and we’re so thankful to be chosen. I won’t believe it’s real until we see Jon at the start line!

Joseph Truong and Akash Sidhu
Occupations: Non-profit Founders

What did you do in your tape for the producers?
Akash: It was very simple. In my basement at my house, there is a space where Joseph and I always hang out. There are a TV and a nice sofa. We decided to just film it on the sofa where we always chill and acted like the camera wasn’t even there. We acted like our normal selves.

Why are you two the team to beat this season?
Joseph: First off, we have a great friendship. We travel across the world together. We’ve done really cool things together. On top of being a team, we’re also huge super-fans. We have a lot of knowledge from past seasons and different franchises as well. And we have complementary skill sets. We’re very strong with endurance and are athletic and have an attention to detail. We can tackle any of the tasks that are presented to us.

Anything that you’re not so strong at?
Akash: I’m vegetarian, so having to eat insects or crazy meals will be something that’s harder for me to do. Waiting is also hard for us. We’re very, ‘Go, go, go!’ and waiting for a clue or being patient might be tough.

Joseph: We’ve prepared for a lot of different challenges, like the heights and the eating. In terms of what we do at home, we’re not as comfortable building things so any challenge that involves something mechanical might trip us up a bit.

What about language?
Akash: We do speak a few different languages. I speak some South Asian languages like Punjabi, Hindi and I also speak Chinese. In terms of some parts of Asia and Canada, I think we’re good. Joseph also speaks Cantonese. We’ve also travelled to Africa and Europe. We haven’t been to South America, so we’ll have to ask the locals.

Leanne Larsen and Marielle Lyon
Occupations: Toronto Argonauts Cheerleaders

What sets you apart from the rest of the competitors?
Leanne: We think everyone is going to underestimate us. As soon as they find out we’re cheerleaders they’re going to be like, ‘OK, that’s with all the big hair and the makeup.’ But they don’t realize the physical side of cheerleading and dancing and the working out and the time that you put in. But, also, we’re not just dancers at a game shaking pompoms and smiling. We both have educational backgrounds and work a million hours a week. A lot of teams may doubt us when it comes to physical and problem-solving challenges.

Mar: It’s not easy being able to consistently represent a multi-million dollar brand. We are the faces and representation of the team but at the same time, we’re role models for kids in the community. We’re on the team because we’re educated and driven.

What’s your secret weapon? Being the underdogs?
Leanne: I’m not going to lie, we’ve been playing up the outgoing, bubbly card a little bit. Everybody is sizing each other up at this point. We were driving in today and I said, ‘Hey, is that the CN Tower?’ I live right next to it. We played up not even being from here. We’re playing into the stereotype and playing it to our advantage.

Is there anything you’re nervous about?
Leanne: For me, I have this weird thing about bugs. I can hold them and have them crawl all over me but the thought of eating one grosses me out.

Mar: Mine is horses. I am absolutely terrified of horses. It’s a full meltdown cry. I had a traumatic experience when I was younger and ever since then. Horses can sense when you’re scared and they become defensive and it’s downhill from there.

Are there any countries, provinces or territories you hope are on the checklist for this season?
Leanne: I have never been to B.C., so that’s a huge one. I would also like to travel to the territories. What is a better excuse to go there than this show and document it? I’d love to see all that Canada has.

Mar: I’m looking forward to going east. I’ve not ventured past Montreal, so anything East Coast. I want to feel their culture, their vibe. And lobster is amazing!

The Amazing Race Canada: Heroes Edition airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/9 p.m. MT on CTV.

Images courtesy of Bell Media.


MasterChef Canada: And the winner is…

It was the moment we were waiting for! The MasterChef Canada SEASON FINALE! Two home cooks who deserved it all, battling it out. What could viewers expect? An incredible end to the great season! Andy and Beccy were supported by their loved ones and friends and what could make them more confident than that?

The home cooks had three hours to complete three courses: appetizers at the first hour mark, entrées at the second and desserts at the very end. The catch? The clock rolled the whole time and Beccy and Andy had just 10 minutes in the pantry to get everything they needed. Andy wanted to show the judges his roots and went very East Coast with his menu. Beccy was inspired by British classics with an apple twist. Chefs Claudio, Alvin and Michael were excited to see what these talented cooks would make.

And the show began! Both menus sounded incredibly delicious, but the taste was the most important part. Andy and Beccy were moving FAST! Beccy’s potato nests were in danger because of the sweet potato she used. Andy seemed very confident and his process was easy for me to watch. Beccy made a Scotch quail egg on a nest of potatoes and parsnips as her entrée. The presentation was beautiful and looked very natural, but the potatoes were a little burnt. The Halifax Donair salad with lamb, pita chips and Tahini dressing from Andy was a spot on. The flavours were amazing.

Time for the main course. The heat in the kitchen rose. Andy was running all over the kitchen while Beccy was totally chill. Chefs Claudio, Alvin and Michael started with Beccy’s rabbit two ways on a Jerusalem Artichoke purée. The cook on the meat was perfect. Andy made an elevated hodgepodge with Dungeness crab, sweetbreads, onion soubise and crab bisque. The dish was very colourful, but was it a main course?

Finally, the home cooks worked on their desserts. With just one hour, it was a lot of work. Then it was time to taste the dishes! Beccy and Andy were relieved, because the cooking was done. Up until then, the judges liked all of the dishes, but the desserts made the game. Fallen apple with a gelée core on a soil of dried fruits and nuts was Beccy’s way to end her three-course meal. The only thing that was missing was the glaze. But was it a mistake or an advantage? Andy made a Newfoundland toutons with a malted pastry cream, brown sugar and bruléed rhubarb. The judges loved the flavours of his dessert.

After all that, it was time to crown the winner of MasterChef Canada! The home cook who won the trophy, $100,000 and the life-changing title was … BECCY! The youngest winner in franchise history! I was #TeamBeccy for sure! Who was your choice? Let me know in the comments below!
