Everything about Arctic Air, eh?

Pascale Hutton on the Arctic Air “roadshow”


From Glen Schaefer of The Province:

  • Location key ingredient for Arctic Air
    About once a month during filming, the cast and crew of the B.C.-based action-adventure series Arctic Air headed north to Yellowknife for several days of exterior filming. The location work — in a production schedule that ran from July to December — was both a reality check and a bonding experience for the cast and crew, says actor Pascale Hutton. Read more.

Winter season packed with CanCon

From Bill Brioux of the Canadian Press:

  • Downton Abbey, Cracked, Transporter kick off TV’s second season in January
    Cape Breton native Ron James bring back his Friday night CBC series for a fourth season of Friday nights, starting Jan. 7 at 8:30 p.m. James’ series is one of several returning to the CBC line-up in January. “Dragons’ Den” and “Republic of Doyle” are moving to Sundays (starting Jan. 6) as CBC positions its highest-rated reality show and drama into TV’s most-watched night. Read more.

David Chilton goes from Dragons’ Den to Arctic Air

From Glen Schaefer of The Province:

  • Author’s acting career takes flight on Arctic Air
    It didn’t take a lot for David Chilton to get in character but he still had butterflies when making his acting debut on an episode of CBC’s Arctic Air. Chilton, who wrote the financial-advice book The Wealthy Barber and appears as a panelist on CBC’s business series Dragon’s Den, says he was a fan of the scripted action-adventure series and talked his way into a role. Read more.