All posts by Greg David

Prior to becoming a television critic and owner of TV, Eh?, Greg David was a critic for TV Guide Canada, the country's most trusted source for TV news. He has interviewed television actors, actresses and behind-the-scenes folks from hundreds of television series from Canada, the U.S. and internationally. He is a podcaster, public speaker, weekly radio guest and educator, and past member of the Television Critics Association.

Slasher’s latest suspect/victim: Brandon Jay McLaren’s Dylan Bennett

If Sarah Bennett would seem an unlikely suspect, her husband Dylan would make for the perfect killer. With all of the secrets around Waterbury, it’s more likely to suspect someone from there than outside the town. And, let’s be honest, dead folks can make a man’s newspaper career, something the industrious Dylan is certainly looking to do.

In our second instalment of interview with the cast of Slasher, the Vancouver native talks Dylan, his friendship with showrunner Aaron Martin and Harper’s Island.

Congratulations on Slasher. Before we talk about that, though, you were fantastic on Harper’s Island.
Brandon Jay McLaren: Thanks. I feel like Harper’s Island was a little ahead of its time. Now that show would kill. It’s the perfect binge-watch. We were just a little premature. That was on CBS back when live ratings numbers meant something. I think our premiere was 10 million, and then we got 7 million for the second episode and they moved us to Saturday nights.

Talk to me about Dylan and his relationship with Sarah.
We met under a very strange circumstance, and she wants to come back to her hometown where her parents were murdered and she was pulled out of her mom’s womb. It’s very gruesome. She’s grown up with this about where she’s from and her past and we decide to move back to her hometown and move back to her parent’s house and fight her fears. Let’s move back and move on, because it’s been a debilitating thing in her life. We move back and the murders start happening again in a very similar fashion.

I play a journalist from the city and I move to this small town and take over the paper. These murders are terrible, but they’re good for me because I have this huge international story on my hands, so I’m pushed and pulled. Dylan’s career is skyrocketing, we have a Nancy Grace-type character come up and I’m put on TV. That’s why I took the role, because it’s different from what I’ve done on Graceland.

What are Aaron Martin’s scripts like?
They’re different. I worked with Aaron on The Best Years and a couple of seasons of Being Erica, just in and out, and this is a complete departure from anything I’ve ever read of his. I didn’t know that he was this sick in his head and I told him that. [Laughs.] He’s very good with relationships and you have that, but it’s gruesome and terrible. It makes for some really good reading.

Because you’ve known him for so long, are you more apt to read something Aaron has written?
Oh sure. He’ll contact me. He’ll be like, ‘Hey man, I’m doing this thing up here. When are you wrapped on Graceland? I’d love for you to take a look at this.’ Anytime he calls I’m fair game if I’m available. He always lets me play something that I haven’t played before, so this was another opportunity.

Slasher airs Fridays at 9 p.m. ET on Super Channel.


TV, eh? podcast episode 204 – Hints of dill and nut

Greg and Anthony muddle through without Diane, highlighting the Canadian TV shows that are new, returning or ending during the next two weeks. We then discuss CBC’s story about increased cable-cutting, Netflix hiking their prices and how Rogers’ NHL ratings will suffer even more now that no Canadian teams are in it.

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Link: ‘Orphan Black’: Tatiana Maslany talks Season 4

From Bill Harris of Postmedia Network:

‘Orphan Black’: Tatiana Maslany talks Season 4
“But despite the genre-bending, it’s great that there’s a continuity to it, too. Because these can be jarringly different worlds, and yet they’ve found a way to sew the stories together. So to have a common thread through all of them is a pretty amazing feat.” Continue reading.


Will Sasso’s killer Motive guest gig

My, how quickly Betty and Vega have bounced back from their lethal infection. We kid. Clearly the deadly disease that was the focus of last week’s episode is a distant memory; how else to explain Betty’s chipper demeanour and, well, lack of a fever, mottled skin and overall malaise? This week’s episode of Motive, “The Score,” catches up with the team in a main storyline boasting two major guest stars. Read on for more details.

Will Sasso is killer
Everyone knows Sasso can bring the funny, but he’s a real treat to watch in a dramatic role. Proud his daughter Sadie has gotten into college, Hank Novak is nonetheless feeling the economic pinch and seeking ways to make money quickly. How he and the victim intersect is creatively constructed by writer Damon Vignale and what appears to be the easy route to murder isn’t. But then, Motive never features an easy route.

Body by Battlestar Galactica
Dennis Heaton’s not-so secret plot to have every Battlestar Galactica star play a role in Motive checks a big box when Tahmoh Pennikett guests as a cliche-spouting smoothie (“How are your feet? I thought they might be sore after running through my dreams all night.”) named Vince Hutton who winds up dead in Squamish, B.C.


Look who’s back
Warren Christie’s name is in the opening credits (and he’s in that picture with Vega), so I’m not spoiling the fact Mark Cross returns. What I won’t ruin is why he’s shown up, and what it means for the investigation.

Partner problems
The oh-so-together Det. Paula Mazur—who made such an impression on Angie last week—shows some fractures in her façade and our fave blonde cop tries to help out.

Lucas in love?
Driven to a dating app in hopes of finding a lady, Lucas stumbles across a possible relationship with someone who really gets him. But is he wise to make a move or will it be a massive mistake? Betty’s comment to Lucas about the situation, paired with the murder, is the line of the night.

Motive airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET on CTV.
