All posts by Greg David

Prior to becoming a television critic and owner of TV, Eh?, Greg David was a critic for TV Guide Canada, the country's most trusted source for TV news. He has interviewed television actors, actresses and behind-the-scenes folks from hundreds of television series from Canada, the U.S. and internationally. He is a podcaster, public speaker, weekly radio guest and educator, and past member of the Television Critics Association.

Preview: The Nature of Things celebrates pigeons

I’ll never look at pigeons the same way again.

Living in Toronto for over a decade has taught this small-town boy a few things, including watching out for the ubiquitous grey-feathered beasts fluttering around the downtown core. They bob and coo their way up to people sitting on park benches, eager to dart in and scoop up any morsel of food that tumbles to the ground. I viewed them with scorn and labelled them as pests. But I’ll show them a little more respect the next time we cross paths.

This week’s excellent episode of The Nature of Things, “The Secret Life of Pigeons,” pulls back the curtain on a bird that was once an important part of our daily lives. Written and directed by Scott Harper (The Age of Anxiety), “Pigeons” goes back in time to reveal that they were the first animal on earth to be domesticated and the crucial role they played during wartime of old by flying important messages to troops.

And the suckers are smart. Among the uncanny skills revealed during the episode: pigeons recognize human faces, spread themselves out amid food scraps so each gets some, and their young are among the fastest-growing on the planet. The highlight of the instalment for me was not only an explanation into how pigeons find their way back home from long distances, but the moment an HD camera was strapped to a bird’s back, offering a glimpse into what life is like for a pigeon in flight.

My second favourite segment? A peek into the life of pigeon fanciers, who strive to prolong the life of some of the world’s rarest–and pretty freaky-looking–pigeons.

The Nature of Things, “The Secret Life of Pigeons,” airs Thursday at 8 p.m. on CBC.


Tonight: Dragons’ Den, Republic of Doyle

Dragons’ Den, CBC
The mood in the Den is amplified when the Dragons are thrown into the mix; an entrepreneur wants to paint a greener picture for the future and hopes the Dragons can handle his past; and a hard-working family hopes to cook up a deal. Plus a multimillion-dollar ask leaves one Dragon questioning the appraisal.

Republic of Doyle, CBC
Jake has to solve a baffling case that has literally been dropped off at his front door; Ned Bishop (Mark Critch) is acting stranger than usual which jeopardizes an important day for Christian Doyle (Jonathan Goad), Leslie faces pressure from a new source as her past actions come back to haunt her.


Review: Blackstone goes “Deeper and Deeper”

Tuesday’s new episode of Blackstone was called “Deeper and Deeper,” and from the outset it was obvious the title referred to Gail, Andy and Jumbo.

Gail’s descent into the rabbit hole of sleep to hide from the fact she stabbed Darrien advanced into dangerous territory. Her dreams were haunted by Natalie and soon her waking moments were filled by her too. Natalie asking Gail where Wendy had gone, taunting her to take more pills, imploring her to take a drink of alcohol (which Gail did) finally led to her offering Gail a knife and stating “there are faster ways to kill yourself.” Gail’s attempts to hide her lapses in time–and forgetting she had dropped Wendy off at Sarah’s house–were revealed to Leona, Marilyn, Wilma and Greg in a horrible public scene.

Actress Michelle Thrush won a Gemini for her role as Gail. It was well-deserved and she may just win a Canadian Screen Award this year. Her Gail is so tortured, so real, so pitiful … I wanted to look away but couldn’t, particularly when she was careening around the yard, trying to keep her numerous stories straight The only glimmer of hope by the end of the episode was that Leona realized how far Gail has fallen and will get her the help she so desperately needs.

Andy has been hitting the medication as well thanks to the stab wound he received last week. Of course, his father was there to mock and guffaw as Andy begged for more pain meds from the jail doctor. Angel, the stripper Andy shot to death, dropped by for a brief visit too, causing the former Blackstone chief to pee himself with fear. (Show creator Ron E. Scott advanced the overall prison story arc by having Andy converse with a young Native man who had been found guilty of manslaughter despite having an alibi. Andy promised to have his own lawyer look into the case, but he may be too drug-addled to make good on it.)

And finally there was Jumbo. Daryl’s right-hand man at the club has developed quite the addiction to online poker and was so desperate to play he took money from the night’s take to help supplant his gambling. He’s sinking deeper and deeper into debt (he’s going to lose the club’s money, of that I am sure) and Daryl is not going to be happy when he finds out.

Blackstone airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET on APTN.


Review: Bachelor Canada shocker: Tim chooses his lady love

After all of the drama surrounding April’s performance at the end of last week’s start to The Bachelor Canada season finale, I would have been shocked if Tim Warmels had chosen her over Trish. It seemed to be a no brainer. Trish was outgoing and April wasn’t. Trish was sure of her feelings and April waffled. Tim’s parents liked Trish and were dubious of April.

So, who did Tim choose after all of these weeks of tears and tribulation, brashness and booze? After summarizing that he only wanted to move forward with someone who wanted to be there, April suddenly had a change of heart and wanted to stay.

“Today is a good day,” she told Tim upon meeting him for an impromptu sit-down at the beach.

“That’s the best news I’ve heard from you all day,” Tim responded. One long kiss and a special note later, and April was back in the hunt for the bachelor’s heart. But would she steal it away from Trish?

For her part, Trish was confident in her chances with Tim and he admitted to having no questions regarding her feelings towards him. They even put a padlock on a love fence to prove their warm and fuzzies for each other. A brief meeting with Michael Hill, who pulled some diamond rings out of his leather satchel, and Tim was ready to propose. But who would it be to?

I guess someone’s going to have to go down and dig for the key to unfasten that padlock because Tim chose April. I can only surmise that Tim is looking for someone to protect rather than a gal who is sure of herself because his decision seemed out of character. Maybe it was the fact that Trish is an Edmonton Oilers fan vs. Tim’s beloved Maple Leafs. At this point I’m grasping at anything that makes sense. (As an aside, I thought April’s dress looked like it belonged at a Grade 8 prom rather than the coast of Tahiti.)

The After the Final Rose special was pretty much what we’ve come to expect from the franchise, with Trish confronting Tim over his decision and the reunion of the happy couple. Among the tidbits of information host Tyler Harcott was able to suss out by the end of the episode:

  • Trish has learned a lot about herself
  • Trish’s favourite moment was her date with Tim in Italy
  • Trish isn’t mad at April
  • Tim has fallen in love
  • Tim goes commando
  • There are wedding plans

What did you think of this season? Did Tim choose the right girl?


Tonight: Rick Mercer Report, 22 Minutes, The Bachelor Canada

Rick Mercer Report, CBC
Rick gets a ballroom dance lesson champion Jean Marc Genereux at the Rocky Mountain Dancesport Grand Prix in Calgary and in Niagara Falls on a Hornblower boat where he assists the crew, meets tourists and takes a ride around the Falls.

22 Minutes, CBC
Alberta gets a special 22 Minutes song parody, Canada’s most real yoga instructor is back and Shaun Majumder travels to Colorado to investigate “pot” culture.

The Bachelor Canada season finale & After the Final Rose, City
Who will Tim Warmels choose? Trish and April get the good news/bad news, followed by the After the Final Rose special.
