A man behind the wheel of a car.

Canada’s Worst Driver comes to an end

Canada’s Worst Driver

has careened into the sunset. After 14 seasons and dozens of terrible drivers behind the wheel, Discovery’s longest-running reality series has come to an end.

Host Andrew Younghusband made the announcement on his Facebook page on Tuesday afternoon.

“It is with equal parts pride and humility, sadness and joy that I am writing to inform you all that Canada’s Worst Driver is officially finished. Done. The great runaway hit has finally crashed and burned,” he wrote. “I had really hoped we would get to do a ‘Goodbye’ season to end the series with a tip of the hat to the faithful audience, but alas, we are simply done without any fanfare.

“Many, many, many thanks to the hundreds (yes hundreds!) of people who have worked on the show over the years,” he continued. “Your creativity and grit, both on set and behind the scenes, are what made CWD the longest-running reality series in Canadian TV history.”

Younghusband, who gamely faced Canadians oblivious to how bad their driving habits were, thanked the Bell Media specialty station and those who got behind the wheel throughout the series’ run. He finished by acknowledging Guy O’Sullivan, the President of Proper Television, Worst Driver‘s production company, who passed away in 2017.

“But the biggest thanks of all, of course, goes to our late, great leader Guy O’Sullivan,” Younghusband wrote. “He started a production company based on the single sale of season one of CWD back in 2005, and that company, Proper Television, still thrives today.”

Will you miss Canada’s Worst Driver? Let me know in the comments below.


21 thoughts on “Canada’s Worst Driver comes to an end”

  1. Nooooooooooooo! I look forward to watching this all year. Fun and informative with the best host ever. Truly sa.d

    1. I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!! Love this show. Hate to see it come to an end. Just browsing to see when it would start up again, and sad to say I won’t. You’ll think they would at least give them a goodbye season, especially when its season 15!!!!!

      Sad to say no heart left in so much of TV

  2. Well that sucks. One of the few Canadian made shows I and others looked forward to watching with great anticipation. Now it’s gone as well.

  3. Canada’s Worst Driver was one of the best shows I’ve ever watched. I still watch reruns of older seasons everyday. It’s sad that the show went away.

  4. We enjoyed watching CWD very much and had many laughs and conversations. Miss ya. Thanks a lot!

  5. I know that I learned things from watching this show, Look where you want to go; Know your limits and drive within them; How to do proper shoulder checks; How to know where your wheels are; How to steer when you are skidding, and be a polite driver. Thank you CWD.

  6. Come be a surragat host for an American version,The hosts here suck,They are so busy playing to their fan clubs that the shows lack your sense of humor or ability to properly host a show,Maybe if you can’t do that you can teach other hosts how to properly make a show work,What it really comes down to is you was the show,With out your talent to present,It wouldn’t have lasted.

  7. Oh, this is sad, but it was a long run for this great show. I’ve learned things while laughing & cringing, wondering how some people could drive so badly. Thanks for 14 excellent seasons. I’ll keep watching the reruns.

  8. Oh no! It was a staple. A must! How can it be over? So many people have learned so much – like which cities not to drive in! It’s the only show I ‘prv’. Discovery without Younghusband. Doesn’t seem realistic. Time to review my channel line-up.

  9. I can’t believe this! I looked forward to this show every year. From the end of October to the week before Christmas (I know, I’m a nerd). This was my show every Monday. Man….So upsetting!!!

  10. I really enjoyed the show & watching it corrected bad habits that I was developing. I also viewed it as a comedy. Sad that it is leaving the airways & hope that it will come back

  11. Although I haven’t watched this show since it first aired in 2005, I became a huge fan of this show ever since the fall of 2011 (when Season 7 premiered). Truly saddened to hear this news. I was really looking forward to watching the 15th season this year. RIP to one of Discovery’s best TV shows.

  12. Clicked the “POST COMMENT” button by accident so I’m re-posting. No negative feedback please…

    Although I’ve only started watching this show when Season 7 premiered, I’ve been a fan of this show since then. Very saddened to hear this news. I was really looking forward to the 15th season this year. RIP to one of Discovery’s best TV shows.

  13. So sad. Love this show and it has helped so many people – including those who actually don’t make it on the show. Bring it back!!

  14. Awh maaaaan!!! I looked so forward to CWD.
    It always brought back many memories of my drivers education. Knowing that I was being taught properly how to drive and have respect for what I was driving and fellow drivers on the road made me feel really good inside. Farewell to one of the best shows ever. Andrew….you rocked.

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