Tonight: The Nature of Things, Doc Zone, Package Deal

The Nature of Things, “Two of a Kind,” CBC

Why one twin and not the other? Filmmaker Leora Eisen wants to know how her identical twin – who has exactly the same DNA – could get life-threatening leukemia. Recently scientists have begun to study the differences, rather than the similarities, between twins, making ground-breaking discoveries that will affect us all.

Doc Zone, “The Psychopath Next Door,” CBC
A journey into the world of the non-criminal psychopath – a predator every bit as dangerous as his violent counterpart.

Package Deal, City (two back-to-back episodes)
“Tea For Too Few”: When a new branch of big chain tea shop opens across the street from The Loose Leaf, Sheldon helps give Kim’s business a competitive edge.

“Storage Lore”: Sheldon buys a storage locker full of White family memorabilia that’s being auctioned off, reuniting the brothers with past treasures they thought had been lost.
