Tonight: Package Deal, Marketplace

Package Deal, City – “Danny’s New Job”

When Danny (Randal Edwards) takes a new job at a huge law firm, he is thrilled to be working for legendary defense lawyer, Jillian Sharpe (guest star Amanda Tapping, Sanctuary). But after failing to get on her good side, he vows to turn over a new leaf and no longer be “Mr. Nice Guy.” Meanwhile, Sheldon (Harland Williams) finishes his entire sexual bucket list thanks to Findr, a new hook-up app, while Kim (Julia Voth) and Nikki (Jill Morrison) create a fake Findr profile to lure business to the tea shop.

Marketplace, CBC – Canada’s Dumbest Charge
Tired of being nickel-and-dimed by unexpected extra charges on your bills? In its season premiere, MARKETPLACE – Canada’s consumer watchdog – is taking aim at frustrating fees and asking Canadians to vote on Canada’s Dumbest Charge. MARKETPLACE asked Canadians to scour their bills for dumb charges – and they got hundreds of submissions. They sifted through them all, narrowing the list down to five frustrating fees.
