Review: Racers remember the fallen in France

Tuesday’s episode of The Amazing Race Canada was notable for three reasons. From a purely competition standpoint, Olympians Natalie and Meaghan reclaimed their top spots during the Leg after blasting through the Detour and never looking back.

Meanwhile, Ryan and Rob were plagued by the disorientation bug. Sure, they were able to complete challenges in a fast manner, but they spent tons of time lost and unable to find the locations of the challenges. Luckily for them it was a non-elimination Leg and the two friends are still racing.

But the most notable part of Tuesday’s instalment was the backdrop of Normandy, France, and what show producers did to recognize the 100th anniversary of the First World War, the role Canada had on Juno Beach during D-Day in the Second World War and the role our soldiers have played ever since. Sure there were challenges involving the alcohol content of Calvados, braiding horse manes and reconstructing segments of the Bayeaux Tapestry, but those all took a back seat to stops in Bèny-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery and the Juno Beach Centre.

In the first, all teams stopped by the pristine cemetery where 2,000 Canadian soldiers are interred. The Amazing Race Canada was forgotten as everyone paused to remember. Natalie and Meaghan and Pierre and Michel and Sukhi and Jinder were all shown breaking down in tears as the past was put into perspective.


“People look at Olympic athletes and they think we’re heroes, but what we do doesn’t even come close to what Canadian soldiers have done for us and continue to do for us,” Meaghan said.

The Pit Stop for the Leg found host Jon Montgomery accompanied by Jim Parks, a former Canadian soldier who stormed Juno Beach. (In a must-see extra posted on The Amazing Race Canada website, Parks recalls swallowing water as he jumped into the ocean alongside his comrades on D-Day and Race executive producer John Brunton explains the thought that went behind Tuesday’s Leg.)

Rather than run across the sand to the mat, every team made their way slowly, realizing what they were doing paled in comparison to what Canadian soldiers have done in conflicts around the world.

Here’s how the teams finished:

  • Natalie and Meaghan
  • Pierre and Michel
  • Mickey and Pete
  • Sukhi and Jinder
  • Alain and Audrey
  • Ryan and Rob (non-elimination Leg)

The Amazing Race Canada

airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on CTV.

What did you think of the episode? Comment below!
