New tonight: The Nature of Things, Doc Zone, Battle Castle

runnerThe Nature of Things, CBC – “The Perfect Runner”

When our ancestors descended from the trees how did they survive? Scientists always thought the answer lay in our powerful brain. But new research into the origins of the human body shows there is something else about humans that make us special. Research into the physiology of early hominids is now revealing that critical adaptations occurred to produce modern Homo sapiens. Anthropologist and runner Niobe Thompson explores our evolutionary past as a species defined by its ability to run long distances.

Doc Zone, CBC – “The Age of Anxiety”
Anxiety is being called the disease of the 21st century. Everybody seems to be either afflicted – or knows someone who is. According to the World Health Organization, disorders related to “dread” are the most prevalent mental illness on the globe at the moment. THE AGE OF ANXIETY, a new film from Emmy Award-winning producer Ric Esther Bienstock and Associated Producers, looks at the explosive growth in the diagnosis and treatment of this affliction. Its World Premiere will be on CBC Television’s Doc Zone on Thursday, March 15 at 9 pm (9:30 NT).

Battle Castle, History Television – “Conwy Castle (Wales)”
King Edward’s Iron Ring of castles must deny a powerful group of rebels determined to end English rule in Wales.
