TV, eh? podcast episode 35 – Smack Dab in the Middle of Grey

Episode 35:Listen or download hereor subscribevia iTunesor with any other program via theTV, Eh? feed

Episode 4Our guest is Dan Speerin of Truth Mashup, talking about content creation for web versus television, satire, biting the had that feeds you, and why Canada needs a Corner Gas and Little Mosque on the Prairie to be hip.

First we talk about the Corner Gas set sale, Jann Arden and Vanilla Ice – seriously? – as judges for Canada Sings, and the fact that Village on a Diet isn’t dead yet.

We send a happy 75th birthday to David Suzuki (our “king of environmentalists”) and 80th to William Shatner (“the male Betty White”).

And Diane rambles a bit about international coproductions and the giant grey area Canadian content lives in.

Your hosts


One thought on “TV, eh? podcast episode 35 – Smack Dab in the Middle of Grey”

  1. Hey, Anthony — you’re a jerk!

    Does that work Diane?

    Actually, you’re not. In fact, continue to love the show. I think it would be interesting to let your guests stay on longer if they are willing. I’m not saying adopt the DyscultureD format, but the idea of longer conversations with folks involved in Canadian TV that isn’t just an interview is great. Get their views on the other stories that you are covering for the week.

    Maybe they don’t have the hour to participate — but maybe they do. Not saying I don’t like to hear Diane and Anthony chat with each other, but love to hear them as the regulars with their being an irregular in there as well.

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